Couch Co-op Attack Bug

Haven’t seen this posted anywhere else,

When playing couch co-op, my bath and rogue would both have periods of slight delays before attacking. When using frenzy, the sound would play ahead of the animation and the entire screen would shift my character back a few steps. The game was just far less responsive when playing couch co-op.

This was really distracting when trying to attack while following an enemy. Not sure if this was some server issue or a legitimate bug. This did NOT happen when playing solo though.

The weird thing is, the other player’s character didn’t experience this slight attack lag at all. I was the only one who experienced it. On every single attack with my barb and intermittently with my rogue.


Can confirm. Second player (usually the one that joined second) experiences lag. Any attack shift character back a few steps.

No issues during solo play. Internet connection is fine. 5Ghz router, yada yada yada.
Diablo 3 couch coop had no such issue

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same still few days after first release hope they fix in first patch

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Confirm this happens to me. Second player playing as a rogue and each time they attack while the character is in the process of moving, they shift back and moves the camera.

It’s really distracting and downright nauseating since it happens on every single attack while the character is moving (which is a lot).

Doesn’t happen if the character is immobile and attacks.

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Almost all basic/core skills for player 2 on couch co op have desync/lag/stutter. Melee is worse because you stutter and it shakes the camera every time you attack while moving.
This is an issue from the beta and I don’t think it was even acknowledged by Blizzard.

Can’t wait to play this with my s/o as barb and rogue…shame we’ll have to wait until it’s fixed.

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Same issue. Can’t play my rogue couch coop. Attack speed gets cut in half and it just feels horrible. Have to play my bear druid instead who don’t rely that much on attack speed. On the druid how ever, i experience cases where i can’t maul and move at the same time, the character stutter steps instead. Think this correlates

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Bump. The problem still persists, couch coop is barely playbale because of this

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Bump. Same issue for my wife and I playing on PS5. Anytime she attacks while moving with any skill there is like a hitch or jerk to the camera on the entire screen. Whats weird is that it initially affects the player joining the game (player 2), but after fast traveling or entering a dungeon it will affect player 1 for the remainder of coop. It goes away as soon as either coop partner leaves the game. It was so distracting and nauseating last night we just quit early. Please someone from the QA team look at this - it’s killing local coop.

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There are many threads devoted to coop-issues at the moment. One noble gentleman even managed to compile a pretty descriptive list of found issues here PS5 couch co-op split screen issues: 24 issues and counting
It would be nice if someone from support/QA team acknowledged these problems. Right up until now I have not seen anything from Blizzard confirming that they are aware of existing problems

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Same problem here. I hope Blizzard will do anything about that… btw

Do you guys don’t have Support in EU?

Still having this problem on couch co op

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same here, bought the game only to play with my friend, but with this lag/desync it has become unplayable. I’ve requested a refund on playstation and they were unable to give me the refund as I have already opened the game… seriously

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New season, new items, and this bug still continues. That really sucks…

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I just posted about this. It’s still an issue on Xbox.

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Same here on PS5.

This attack speed bug along with other bugs and balancing issues (not that I expect the game to be 100% balanced with different builds but it could be much better) is basically the deterrent impeding me to fish out money to support the title.

Money is not a problem, thankfully, but I do not feel the support. :-/

Monthly bump to remind that this issue is still present and blizzard are yet to even acknowledge the issue. Were 2 months away from the DLC. No way I am spending anything on the game until this is fixed.

I wish I had been aware of this before I pre-ordered Vessel of Hatred because local coop is unplayable. I was happy that they fixed the game in Season 4 so I grabbed the ultimate edition of VoH or whatever it’s called.

Not even Borderlands 3 local coop is this broken - maybe it sometimes crashes, but at least it’s playable :frowning: