Costs of Masterworking in a nutshell and why Resetting is to expensive

Costs of Masterworking in a nutshell.

Rank 1: 10 Obducite + 100k gold
Rank 2: 20 Obducite + 150k gold
Rank 3: 30 Obducite + 200k gold
Rank 4: 40 Obducite + 300k gold
Rank 5: 20 Ingolith + 450k gold
Rank 6: 40 Ingolith + 600k gold
Rank 7: 80 Ingolith + 800k gold
Rank 8: 120 Ingolith + 1 million gold
Rank 9: 50 Neathiron + 2 million gold
Rank 10: 100 Neathiron + 3 million gold
Rank 11: 150 Neathiron + 5 million gold
Rang 12: 250 Neathiron + 10 million gold

9 Obducite = 1 Neathiron
3 Ingolith = 1 Neathiron

doing rank 1 to 4: 100 Obducite = 11 Neathiron and 750k gold
doing rank 5 to 8: 260 Ingolith = 87 Neathiron and 2850k gold
doing rank 9 to 12: 550 Neathiron and 20 million gold
resetting: 5 million gold
everything together without resetting: 648 Neathiron and 23.6 million gold per item.

If you want all crit procs on the same stat of which you have 5 on a legendary item,
you need to reset after rank 4, 8 and 12.
That would be a 20% success chance on 4, 8 and 12, so 5 tries on average.
That’s 5 tries on rank 12, 5 times 5 tries on rank 8 and 5 times 5 times 5 tries on rank 4.
That would be 125 tries for rank 1 to 4, 25 tries for rank 5 to 8 and 5 tries for rank 9 to 12.
Resets in total 124.

125x 11 Neathiron and 750k gold
25x 87 Neathiron and 2850k gold
5x 550 Neathiron and 20 million gold
124x 5 million for resets.

In total 6300 Neathiron and 885 million gold (620 million for resetting alone).

If you can farm Pit level 70 in 3 minutes, which is fast for most players,
you will get 580 Neathiron per hour.
So one item from 0 to 12 will take you more than one hour of fast farming and 23.6 million gold.
Resetting an item over and over to get the perfect result if you need to proc the same stat over and over again
will take you about 11 hours and 885 million gold.

I think resetting is far to expensive, I would suggest 500k for the ranks 1 to 7,
1 million for ranks 8 to 11 and 5 million for rank 12.

The Neathiron costs are also a bit high, but I would prefer to make the lower pit level a bit easier.
Level 80 should be like level 60 today. This way casual players could farm in high enough tiers,
such that they can get enough materials to do Masterworking in a reasonable time.
At the moment some players/builds will have problems to even do Pit level 61 in a reasonable time, if at all.
Just stretch out level 41 to 60 into 41 to 80 and the problem should be fixed.
We would loose Pit level 181 to 200 this way, but at the moment nobody will be near this levels anyway.

And of course delete the Holy Bolt Elixir, that’s not fair for non-Necro players.

I have forgotten to calculate the changes I suggested.

You could save
100 times 4.5 million gold and 20 times 4 million gold.
That’s in total 530 million resetting costs saved.
So 90 million resetting costs instead of 620 million.
And the crafting costs would still be 265 million gold.

So players would still need to invest huge amounts of gold.


It would be a much better system if you reset in tiers. Didn’t like 9-12, reset 9-12. Didn’t like 4-8, reset 4-8. As it stands now resetting all the way back to 0 sucks. I just did my anderials, reset on 4-8 nine times. Finally got it to not crit on poison resistance only to crit on 12 on poison resistance. Got so frustrated I turned off the game and may not play again for awhile. Not only does it take too long to farm the materials, especially 9-12. It is a slap in the face you have to reset all the way back down to 0 just to risk it happening again. They should either make the materials easier to come by or allow reset buckets. If you reset at 8, you go back to 4. Reset at 12, you go back to 8.


After correcting the gold cost (885 - 530 = 355M gold)

Farming whispers turn-ins can yield ~35M gold / hour

This means that to MW a single item perfectly, one needs ~10 hours of farming open-world content in addition to the 10 hours of farming the Pit.

For high-end players … Pit Farming is reasonable and fun … but why forcing them to farm Open-World to min/max their gear?!

One would hope that the product owner team would solicit feedback from the D4 community in regard to the “cost” (in-game currency and real-world effort) of itemization. If that is the case, it is likely that the feedback they filter comes from the folks who are “paid to play” and have 6+ hours/day to spend “playing” the game. Are the folks setting these limits/costs able to apply a meaningful exchange rate to the real-world costs to make the game’s content reachable for the masses?
I am in no way suggesting that things be adjusted so a 1 hour/day casual can blast into level 200 pit content. I also recognize that this is the first season for these changes to be put in place. Perhaps they were hoping that by allowing item trades/sales that the player base would form their own economy; by selling gear found during pushes/farming a player could finance their own mastercrafting. I don’t feel that’s very a likely scenario given the vast/random spread of affixes and how many possibilities are utterly useless in most meta builds.

In my opinion, they have taken steps to steer the gear system in the right direction. Perhaps after a few more iterations, it will strike a balance between the causal and elite/professional gaming community.

Exactly what I thought of this system. Resetting 1-4, 5-8 and 9-12 in steps would be so much better.
And even that would take a HUGE amount of farming to get your perfect items. But it would at least be theoretically possible.

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I dont know why this post was created 29 days ago and still Blizzard did almost nothing about it. They lowered cost of gold for crafting… but still 5mil for a reset… ouch

Blizz did nothing for us… regardless of what they have done yet…

The game doesn’t reward your farming and playing and dedication.

Here is my current rundown…

Amulet: rest counter 87 times, 60 of them been at lvl 12
Ring 1: 33 times, 29 of those have been at lvl 12
Ring 2: 41 times, 37 of those have been at lvl 12
Chest: 65 times, 43 of those have been at lvl 12
Gloves: 52 times, 32 of those have been at lvl 12
Pants: 39 times, 30 of those have been at lvl 12
Boots: 29 times, 17 of those have been at lvl 12
Weapon: 43 times, 29 of those have been at lvl 12

So you think I got all the Crits I wanted? No ofc not, only the gloves and chest are “done”.

Thank you Blizzard, thank you making me and other wanting to delete the entire C:/Game/Blizzard/ folder

I’m done with this game cause me and others with dedication are punished…

CHANGE this crap … react!

Let us KEEP the Crit at lvl 4 by spending 4k or 1000k or 100m Neathiron so we could at least not have to reset to lowest possible and then deal with your RNG which is not RNG, its rigged and there break us. This is a game it should be fun, coman man react!

On the second Crit we could pay with Stygien Stons or whatever, let us have a chance to IMPORVE so we can PUSH higher for the love of whatever…

Off topic, lets not even start with all the bricking, 99.98% of all loot in game that could be an improvement gets bricked or hits on the last attempt on the lowest possible roll, so yet again, this is rigged and the intent is to break us and all we want to do is to play the game…

Arelius rule of thumb is go for 8/12 masterworked with the affix you want, let 12/12 be whatever it happens to be.

Constantly resetting for a perfect 12/12 is madness.

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Hey man, I agree with you and I wouldn’t do it if the content was possible to push without it but as it stands it just dose not, all the crits needs to be there to get higher in the pit to maybe get some loot with 1-2 GA and then go ahead and brick those (which is 9.9 out of 10 times).

And so I feel Blizzard are punishing us, just let us lock in a crit with 1000 Styg Stones or whatever so we know we got that sorted and farm for 4 more weeks and reset from there if needed to the next millstone and again the ability to lock it in. The stats of the “loot reborn” in my opinion is and absolut sh*tshow tbh.

Only those who can have employees (ppl who can farm pit for them 24/7) and also have infinit irl money to buy in-game gold can get anywhere, the rest of us using our time just cant.

So the game is in a nut shul a disguised pay to win…

Will Blizzard care about any of this, ofc not.

I think this is a better strat than mine. My original plan was to just masterwork everything to 12/12 and just take whatever it gives me, then reset each item one at a time since the +5% stat bonus per tier, in my mind, is a big power boost that’s guaranteed.

However, it just takes way too much time to masterwork to 12/12 to begin with. The grind is real and I’m nearing burnout on it. I think it’s too much.

IMO Blizz should lower the costs of masterworking. Since it’s a 1/5th chance per roll to hit the thing you want you only have an 0.8% chance to crit the aspects you want in total.

I would prefer they let us reset more to chase the crits rather than make even getting to 12/12 so arduous.