% core skil damage or % close ennemis?

Hi, I play the HoTa/Charge build. I am wondering what is the difference between % core skill Damage and % close enemies damage and wich one is the most appropriate for weapons?

In fact, close enemies is useful for the Hammer, more than Charge because charge, we trigger it remotely.

Thanks you so much guys


Core Skills are getting multiples by Unbridled for HoTA so it is quite a bit more potent even though both are additive buckets.

Close helps Charage. Close and Core help HOTA.

In both cases neitehr will matter much. Dmg Berserking with Ire Glpyh is king. EVerything else is rounding error.

Core bonus doesn’t actually get multiplied by Unbridled Rage. It’s just a misleading display issue in the stats panel, like vulnerable damage still gets multiplied by the inherent x20% damage increase tied to vulnerable state.

For example, if you have 100% vulnerable damage from paragon and items, the stats panel will show you have (1 + 100%) x 1.2 - 1 = 140% vulnerable damage, which is false.

Damage vs Close can roll higher than Core, so Damage vs Close is often better.

What about in the case of Charge/WW? Does Whirlwind still have issues with continuous channeling losing Close Damage? Should I stick with Core or start swapping gear out for Close?

That’s beyond my expertise. Not as familiar with particulars of ‘channeling’. I’d defer to the other Barb specialists here. :wave:

+Core skill damage changes the tooltip damage which is then modify by Unbridled Rage.

Are you sure about that? I thought it worked similar to how Grandfather doubles the effectiveness of +Critical Strike Damage. +Core should gain the multiplier for Unbridled making it decent as far as additive buckets go.

Yes, it was tested by people soon after the game was released.