Cool down reduction I don't understand

Hello my brain is probably not good enough and I m looking for some help.

I m trying to build an almost perma Wrath of Berserker barbarian.

I have a cumulated 56.4 % of Wrath of Berserker cooldown reduction from tempering/masterworking (rings and amulet).

I have another 20.3% general cumulated cooldwon reduction from helm and amulet.

But at the end the total cooldown reduction of this skill is 56.6% (26 sec instead of 60)…

Whats the deal? Thank you

each instance of cooldown reduction is a separate calculation. so first one is 26% of 60secs to reduce it to 44.4secs. then the next 20% is of the 44.4 to further reduce it to 35.52. etc

btw there is also a cap they introduced to cdr. i dont know it off the top of my head

cannot understand because in bothc cases i have 56.6% more or less

what are the indivdual cdr stats on each piece? it isnt just rolled on one piece for 56% correct?

Combine your CDR with strategic ground stomp which reduces your ultimate by 2 seconds for each enemy hit. Ground stomp size increase will hit more enemies and you can have WoTB up easily close to 100%

You always have to trade off something to get what you want out of a build. I used to do this with walking aresenal for constant back to back iron maelstrom in prior seasons before we had the size increase. I even did the unthinkable and put on 100,000 steps for even more GS procs.

you’re not the first to pose this question, the short answer is that each affix is calculated independently

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I have 10.9% cooldown reduction on Helmet and 9.4 CDR on Amulet

Plus I have 20.3 Wrath of Berserker CDR on amulet, 20.1 on ring 1 and 16% on ring 2

Will be very difficult to reach though with how they changed CDR.

When it comes to calculating multiplicatively-applied reductions (damage reduction, cooldown reduction, etc.) it’s helpful to calculate it in terms of what remains, not what gets reduced. For example, a 20% reduction (80% remains) and 40% reduction (60% remains) would get you:

(.8 * .6) = .48 of the original value, so a 52% reduction.

So the individual the values you gave:

10.9% reduction → 89.1% remains
9.4% reduction → 90.6% remains
20.3% reduction → 79.7% remains
20.1% reduction → 79.9% remains
16% reduction → 84% remains

(.891 * .906 * .797 * .799 * .84) = .432
That means your cooldowns are 43.2% of their normal values, which is a 56.8% reduction, which is probably within rounding errors of the 56.6% your stat sheet reads. Everything seems to be in working order.

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