Controller Help

So I am attempting to use a PS4 controller (on PC , windows 11) and while it is connected via bluetooth, I cannot seem to get it to work in game. When I go to the options section/controller there are no configurations and all the fields are blank.

  1. Am I an idiot? (probably)
  2. Can anyone assist in figuring this out with me?


UPDATE: I have installed DS4Windows and it is now working via Bluetooth. Thank you for all the assistance!!

somebody here probably has a better answer than i do, as i prefer to use my xbox controllers, but i do know that i have to run a program called DS4Windows in order for my ps4 controller to be connected and detected by my pc and useable in games.

i would look into giving that a shot,

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Thanks - I will give it a try

i connect mine via usb and it works fine, might just be because of bluetooth and you need ds4windows like the other guy says.

But idk, don’t have bluetooth on my pc

Please let me know if you find a solution as I also want to use ds4 via bluetooth.

it will 100% work with DS4windows, but it might give you xbox button prompts, it makes windows think it’s an xbox controller

it will work wirelessly through bluetooth as well. but you will still need to use DS4Windows, and your bluetooth receiver/adapter must be at least version 4.0 or higher of bluetooth.

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Must be a bluetooth thing then, plugging in via usb and no external program needed