Constantly Rubberbanding and Disconnecting on PC

This is an issue with how Diablo 4 cloud servers are setup unfortunately. I don’t know where you are connecting from but let me give you a sample.

I am connecting from Hong Kong and D4(Google) servers are hosted there, Taiwan, Japan and Korea. When I load into a zone and get connected to a Hong Kong server, happy days no lag. Now when I load into another zone, D4 can put me in other far servers like Korea or Japan, then it gets really laggy and unplayable.

I don’t know who in the right state of mind would design it that way and consider any anyone in Southeast Asia to connect to any server without the player having a choice of connecting to the nearest server.

Assumming your connection to your ISP isn’t broken, I don’t think Blizzard cares to fix any of this. The best way to make it playable on your end is to use a VPN service with 2 things to try.

  1. Connect to the nearest game server that you know. I am not sure if they are also using Google cloud servers in your region. The problem with this is that you can still get loaded into any server in your cluster even though the lowest ping/latency is the nearest game server.
  2. Connect to the game server that is in the middle of your cluster. In my case, if I was playing from the Philippines, I would connect to Taiwan so that my average ping/latency would be better in average as I can be thrown into either Hong Kong, Japan, Korea servers - this way, the worst server blizz throws me into isn’t so horrible. This is unfortunately where my game servers are for my region.

I think you also get put into a server cluster consisting of different states/countries near each other depending on your region and the game randomly puts you into any of the servers in your cluster.


Note: I just used “cluster” for discussion’s sake. I don’t know if that is correct term at all.

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How has this thread been going on for 3 weeks and not a single answer from Bliz? This is a pretty fundamental issue with your product.

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I got annoyed enough with not being able to get to the bottom of the issue to tinker with Diablo IV on my macbook and it now runs flawlessly, so I guess the fix is… get a macbook? :laughing:

Wait so it runs laggy and perfect on same connection with two different hardware set up? Makes no sense…

It does if one machine has some issues. But no one will admit to that being possible so it must be Blizzard’s fault entirely.

And I get it. But still.

Me on other hand, I cannot get a problem to manifest. I even built a second gaming system two days ago. AMD based, with a 2070. Even cranked the settings to max and what not. Other than the system not liking Ultra in general performance wise, it was still consistently running the game ok for over an hour.

But I have more things to try to break that system. Will see if I can manage to re-create some of these problems.

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In my sistuation,I do know I have an unstable connection (high speed but low signal, so unstable). It’s a rental house with internet included and I’m moving out soon thank God, so currently I take some latency issues for granted. However, it is very frustrating to die on the boss of a dungeon, being disconnected and coming back to town. Now I have to start the same dungeon from scratch. That’s just keyboard-smashingly frustrating.

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So the other day, I tried NORDVPN. It made things worse if anything, and I paused the VPN connection and it got stuck and I uninstalled in frustration. A weird message about AVG Anti Virus scanning connection came up and Ive never seen that before. I logged onto D4 again with MTR and it was perfect 40-50 ping, at 7pm peak EU time… and it gets weirder, it seemed to suggest I had 1% loss on one of the ip address. But man it all ran smooth as butter. I played for over an hour. Next time I logged on, back to rubberband, 30-1200 ping.

Tried turning off all of AVG Anti Virus, firewall even (stupid thing to do I know!), but it still has the lag issue. Is it possible using VPN,connection getting stuck and reloading normal connection did something weird to make it work that one time?

I also got someone to reply to me on a server and he confirmed he was EU based. So my theory about being put on wrong region server is doubtful.

You’re going to get a lot of “its your connection, I’m fine” replies, but this is also happening to me and everyone I know playing this game. You aren’t alone. Blizzard won’t acknowledge it, bad press.


Yeah I mean they got off almost scot-free from that abuse lawsuit, so why care about a “small” issue like this. If they can say “nah didnt happen” they can ignore this.

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Those replies kill be every time like “oh it’s not happening to me so it doesn’t exist or it’s your ISP” :joy:


I’ve said this in plenty of other post and create a reddit post as well. The only solution that has worked for me is using my hotspot internet purposely for this game. I have no idea why it works, but it just does. This is coming from someone who has tried playing on PC as well as console (Xbox Series X & PS5)

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While I get your point. A few of these HAVE turned out to be exactly that. Not all. But some have.

Point being, there are a LOT of variables.

This means your normal ISP hates the D4 traffic. Something that I think is at the root of the issue. This does not mean there isn’t something wrong with how the D4 traffic is operating and potentially causing the issue.

I mean, one user even found when they turned off their DDOS protection in their modem, it started working just fine after that.

So far, I haven’t seen any posts from users on Centurylink/Brightspeed (DSL), nor anyone using Starlink, having these problems. (I have both, and both work just fine with this game)

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interesting my ISP is Verizon Fios

Just as bad on my Verizon hotspot as it is on AT&T 1gig fiber. Both Xbox and PC. So no your fix isn’t a fix for the broken networking.

Literally unplayable last 36 hours.


same sh!t here i have good internet conection everytime i disconect sometimes i need to redo a quest when im in the middle of it and need to walk all the way back to the quest erea ist really enoying and i know for a fact it is not my conection because everything else runs with no probleem. im really getting fed up with it and i did not pay kinda like 100 eur for this


Did we get any word from Bliz on why the rubberbanding is happening? it seems like whenever they do a “hotfix” my PS5 gameplay is unplayable. Today on PC, I am having the same issue.


Been having the same issue as before, can’t play with my brother in the same local network without one of us rubberbanding to hell. Not a single game sessions has gone by without the issue since the launch.
But now we tried to solo for once to see if it helps. Everything was fine, no rubberbanding at all even while doing a world boss at the same time (different instances/channels). We played similarly during beta and we didn’t team up (and everything worked without an issue), so the issue is clearly with the game which can’t handle two players teaming up when they are playing from the same local network.

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I thought the same thing as the issues started when I started joining my husbands party but it’s gotten to the point that I can’t even play solo now without constantly dcing.

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I have same issue been disconnected all the time, reboot pc, my router, but nothing change. i play solo 20 minutes after boum disc. Re-enter again, play 15 minutes then after boum again etc etc etc. WTF is happening ???

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So someone said to try this in another topic.

Load game up. Then go to windowed screen, then ctrl+alt+del. Close all apps.

Go back to D4. Set to full screen and wait a bit. Rubberband is gone for me… Going to turn on/off multiple times later to test.

Please confirm here if it worked for you.