Constantly Rubberbanding and Disconnecting on PC

i did.

asked for refund


Well, now its two of us that feel the same.


I am not recommending this game D4 to ANYONE until the disconnects end

After this Post I will go to Troubleshoot this prob at Blizzard Site

Lets see what they say…ugh


Yeah I’m have the exact same problem but my brother is on his Pc having no issues


And mine started 3 days ago and I was having no issues before


I am STILL having this rubberbanding issue!
I had no problems at all during early access or the first 2-3 days of launch. After that the game has been completely unplayable for me. I’m rubberbanding every 30 sec or so now and it causes me to die on every pull. I can play any other game online on my PC and my consoles with no issues whatsoever; D4 is the only one that gives me problems.


I even opened a ticket, told them everything I’ve tried, mentioned that I tried everything in their troubleshooting article and they still just suggested I try the things in their troubleshooting article then marked my ticket as answered.

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So someone said to try this in another topic.

Load game up. Then go to windowed screen, then ctrl+alt+del. Close all apps.

Go back to D4. Set to full screen and wait a bit. Rubberband is gone for me… Going to turn on/off multiple times later to test.

Please confirm here if it worked for you.

As ridiculous as this sounded to me when it was posted, I tried it and my rubber banding ceased. For the last three days I went from 300-1500 ping regularly to 80 - 130 (which is probably the best I’m gonna get).

What I wanna know, is if closing the app after launching the game fixed my problem, what is it doing in the background to so radically alter my ping?


I turned launcher back on. Rubberband started again!!! Terrible coding by Blizzard, Steam doesnt do that to me!!

I actually stumbled on this over the weekend and it seems to be a repeatable way to avoid the rubberbanding. Simply close Battle.Net … which is of course preposterous.

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Seems to have worked for me just now. I was having the worst rubberbanding tonight I’ve ever had since the game launched. Was pretty much unplayable. Tried this, entered game, rubberbanding was almost completely gone. I didn’t try relaunching with battlenet again to see if it was back but would seem an unlikely coincidence.

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I just had my first nightmare dungeon completely ruined from this exact problem. Disconnected mid run, I had restart the game and when I loaded back in my nightmare dungeon was gone. Now I can’t complete it and I’ve completely lost the desire to play anymore until this is resolved.


Im having this issue too. Everytime I log in to d4, my internet just dies. Completely. Log out and I’m fine again.

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It wasn’t good before, especially in towns, but since last weekend the lag is unbelievable when you do events. Both in the open world and dungeons. Latency is normally ~70, start an event and bam 2000+.
Today I was literally skating and freezing throughout the entire legion event.

0 problems in any other game.
Blizzard, do something : /


Frequent disconnects in dungeons. It feels like the game can’t handle rapid input or high reaction times from the player. Ping spikes rapidly and the character twitches all over the place


game is unplayable. fix your servers or let me play offline. i cant even stand in town and change armor without disconnecting. then to top it off you guys have the balls to tell me my account is locked. check yourself blizzard.


when you guys dc from d4, does your internet also go out until d4 is closed and recovers after 30s?


Same thing. It’s still happening. Keep the thread alive. Got disconnected for the second time during a boss battle that took me over an hour to get to. Why do we need a constant connection for soloing? At least cache enough of your progress/location so you can keep going from where you got kicked off.


I’m wondering how many more thousands of players have to actually report these issues which are obviously on their side for this cash grab company to answer its fans??! They have gone from the greatest studio on planet to the worst imo.
Did anyone manage to get a refund? If it’s possible what is the procedure?