Constantly Disconnected

43 minutes wait for a 5 minutes game time before disconnect…


What’s surprising is that this is blizzard, not a new kid on the block doing online game for the first time. It’s the 4th in the franchise, you would think by now they figured out how to keep people connected :frowning:


I hope they extend this open beta weekend since we cannot play the game AND it is tied to a limited-time-only cosmetic reward…

the devs apparently are doing it on purpose. I get beta testing but then market it as a huge stress test and state what expected issues will be in detail (not a small forum post 24 hours before beta start that 10% of people will see) and leave a big warning message at game launch. Everything before yesterday they were indicating they addressed last weeks issues and things would be ‘better’. It’s a total pile of garbage.


Yea of course they do they are causing it, they call it “stress test”. It’s to the stress levels of the players and see how many rush to the forums and improve forum traffic. Also if you can’t play your more likely to go watch a streamer play and boost views. This beta is a marketing win. Blizz does not care if we are able to log in or not. Or they would post something in #BLUE text to calm the masses.


Buddy of mine had this issue. Seemed to stop after he started skipping cutscenes.

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i have the same problem, the entire night

It’s not all about the east coast. DMV here. We have two consoles. Mine has been disconnected about 10 times so far. My wife been happily playing for the last three hours. So, it’s not completely a location issue. I almost wonder if I am having to pay for having only minor issues last week.

In the same three hours she has been playing, I think I managed to get my necromancer up to level 2… :man_shrugging: Yeah, it’s a beta. It’s annoying. I expected issues. But nothing like not being able to get in at all and stay in

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This is probably Blizzards way of making room for other players to get in the game. The queue clears up real quick when a few hundred people get DC’d with the 316719 error.

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Last weekend we had a lot of queues and DCs on Friday, then it smoothed out. Hopefully that is the case this weekend too. The cosmetic reward requires you to level to 20 on one character. That does not take very long so hopefully you will get to do that before the weekend is over!

I was able to get a Sorc to 20 last weekend to qualify.

Yes, that is part of the testing they are doing with load handling. They put up the warning expectation post the other day at the top of the forum.

They do have one on the Launcher now.

Yeah it is not regional. It might depend on what server you get sharded into, but certainly not related to regional internet right now.


In my opinion, it is completely absurd to tie a cosmetic item to a 3 day window where you can’t even play it…

Not everyone has 72 hours of game time during their weekend. Most of us work, have a family, and obligations.


Actually a joke lol, I’ve spent roughly 4 hours in que’s and been able to play for 30 mins. Constant disconnects due to the terrible servers, its not on our end. And they have done nothing to acknowledge it or let us know they are working on it. Imagine waiting 45+ mins to play for 10 mins just to be kicked off and booted back to the que. I imagine the full release will be much, much worse as well due to larger player base. If they cannot handle this BETA test properly imagine what real traffic will do to them.


ditto…beta is bugged. Thx Blizzard for all the hype for a beta weekend which is so far getting us nowhere…

What they really should have worked on is having separate servers for those that pre oeroded the game us paying lot on seperate servers like last weekend keept us seperate and actually look after us give us priorty over the open beta lot !!, Last weekend was way smoother than this

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Well I seem to get put on the same unstable shard every time then with no apparent way to change it. 11 disconnects in 8 hours with an average time spent in queue of 20 mins with queue times currently rising. Meanwhile, others who seem to get on stable servers are able to play most of the evening uninterrupted. I am cool with this as its beta, but I am really hoping they get this fixed for launch which is why I started the thread to try to find something to help fix it.

I played last weekend as well and know that the queues did get better as the weekend went on but to my knowledge these super quick disconnects were not as big of an issue.

It’d be nice if someone official got on and acknowledged all the problems


West coast here. I go in queue just before 12p (pst) and got in around 12:30p. I’ve been on for just under 5 hrs straight and haven’t been DC’d. I’ve gone afk for 15 minutes twice and was surprised I hadn’t been kicked yet.

Meanwhile, my east coast buddy queued up about an hour later and has been DC’d 4 times. Only able to stay connected 7-11 minutes after he got to the first town with the waypoint. Wondering if it’s a regional issue, but nobody mentions where they are playing from.

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Yes its happened to me 4 times now…

I mean, it’s doable in 3hrs. Most people can manage to commit 1hr/day on their weekend to get the cosmetic if they really wanted it. People are going to complain no matter what. My favorite is when people complained that an in-game event was poorly timed because they were on vacation. Even with twitch drops, people complain of timing due to their own personal obligations, like they can’t just pop twitch up on their phone. Entitlement is crazy for these digital assets that have no value.

Yes, just got gameplay for about 15 mins, then I get disconnected to the start screen, then I get “There was an error. (Code 316719)”