I’ve tried everything I can think of from running as administrator, rolling back on my drivers, etc. I’ve never had a game crash this bad where it blue screens and completely restarts my computer. I don’t want to fry my PC trying to play this. I have an AMD Ryzen 7 and a 3080
Its not just on AMD/Ryzen systems.
Im an Intel/Nvidia user and it crashes just the same, maybe more. i dunno. But i crash on the most stupid occasions:
- Randomly walking thru a town
- Talking to an NPC like Blacksmith or Occultist
- During quest lines (and having to start over because of CTD)
- During dungeons
- When in party with others
- Even right after loading into the game.
It doesnt matter if i play the game on low graphics or on ultra. Disabling sound also doesnt work. I tried killing all background processes i didnt need. None of this works.
Updating drivers doesnt help and reverting back to old drivers also brings no solution. I never had these kind of issues before Vessel of Hatred.
And it still does this even after the Oct. 9th “hotfix” that didnt really fix things.
Blue screens means problems with hardware/drivers usually
Its not D4 fault
During game, possible reasons
- overheating
- Power supply problem
- drivers/hardware problems on heavy load
- hardware issues
- Overclocking/voltage problems (Yours or even - manufacturer’s)
If You got BSOD - i am almost sure that You have a problem with computer, not D4
So everyone’s PC’s are having issues because of their system? seems unlikely.
It’s not like this game is an insane pinnacle in graphics either. I don’t have these issues with games like RDR2
Just had my first crash since launch. Guess I was one of the lucky ones. Fix your game bliz.
I’m just crashes to desktop no blue screen but it’s definitely random like above poster said.
There are way too many reports of crashing and bad performance for it not to be a d4 fault/cause. I play on both pc and ps5, or played anyway… i couldnt play on pc because of how bad the stutter was, when it was never a problem before the expansion. Ended up being forced to play on ps5, but quit partly through because i didnt find the game fun anymore.
Heavily regretting my purchases.
Something is definitely going on. I don’t get the blue screen of death, just crash to desktop.
It’s really random. Walking, salvaging drops, walking out of a portal, dismounting, just standing still, clicking on an npc.
Its very obvious that this was very rushed and untested…
In many cases of game crashing, freezing etc. - yes, it is system and the reason is - garbage mostly. People thinks that their system is “crystal” where it is not
But … in this, specific case (topic) - there are BSOD/restarts. There is a big diffrence between crashing/freezing/unstable game and … hard reset, BSOD
Go away. The game is busted.
I’ve played a ton over the past couple of days and have only crashed once.
You are definitely dealing with a hardware issue.
I have a pretty new system and have all my drivers updated.
Good luck, hope it gets better
I’m dealing with crashes over and over, like about every 30-45min.
My Intel/Nvidia PC is only a few months old, easily gets over 250 FPS on Diablo, I’ve made sure everything is updated, even turned down my graphics etc. Nothing is working.
Half the time I cannot even get the game to load on startup, gets to loading screen and freezes to the point MS is like Program stopped responding, how is that not a Blizz issue?
No, it’s not a hardware issue when a day before DLC was working great and after the launch it’s crashing every few minutes. For me sometimes instantly when entering the game. Can’t play more than a few minutes and hard crash with Fenris.
There were already 2 patches on steam and didn’t solve a thing.
Also hundreds of bugs.
Doesn’t happen with other blizzard games, doesn’t happen with Wukong on max settings but your sure is not D4 fault !
Tried to play this morning and nothing but crashes most within 2 minutes of being in TOWN, for Heavens Sakes.
Here’s my NVidia card info in case this is an issue (which I doubt):
NVIDIA System Information report created on: 10/10/2024 08:56:51
System name: OMEN_40L
DirectX version: 12.0
GPU processor: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060
Driver version: 556.12
Driver Type: DCH
Direct3D feature level: 12_1
CUDA Cores: 3072
Resizable BAR Yes
Core clock: 2460 MHz
Memory data rate: 17.00 Gbps
Memory interface: 128-bit
Memory bandwidth: 272.03 GB/s
Total available graphics memory: 16222 MB
Dedicated video memory: 8188 MB GDDR6
System video memory: 0 MB
Shared system memory: 8034 MB
Video BIOS version:
IRQ: Not used
Bus: PCI Express x8 Gen4
Device Id: 10DE 2882 8C3A103C
Part Number: G173 0371
nvui.dll NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component
nvxdplcy.dll NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component
nvxdbat.dll NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component
nvxdapix.dll NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component
NVCPL.DLL NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component
nvCplUIR.dll 8.1.940.0 NVIDIA Control Panel
nvCplUI.exe 8.1.940.0 NVIDIA Control Panel
nvWSSR.dll NVIDIA Workstation Server
nvWSS.dll NVIDIA Workstation Server
nvViTvSR.dll NVIDIA Video Server
nvViTvS.dll NVIDIA Video Server
nvLicensingS.dll NVIDIA Licensing Server
nvDevToolSR.dll NVIDIA Licensing Server
nvDevToolS.dll NVIDIA 3D Settings Server
nvDispSR.dll NVIDIA Display Server
nvDispS.dll NVIDIA Display Server
PhysX 09.23.1019 NVIDIA PhysX
NVCUDA64.DLL NVIDIA CUDA 12.5.85 driver
nvGameSR.dll NVIDIA 3D Settings Server
nvGameS.dll NVIDIA 3D Settings Server
I learned after a big patch my computer crashed on the game. I now do windows cleanup and update gpu drivers before and no problems. It’s a server based game so…I mean look at clusterfk Monday.
No BSOD. Every other game works perfectly fine on my system. Can’t even get to the character select screen without crashing. It’s my hardware, for sure…
I crash to desktop before even being able to load to the character select. Something needs to happen, I can’t justify the cost of the expansion for literally not being able to play it at all.
it’s a verified bug, and yet so many people who are clueless say “uhh its a hardware problem”.
Learn how stuff works and not what you heard through a grapevine.