Constant Freezing

Since this patch I keep freezing and locking to where the game wants to shut down then usually unfreeze. This has only started since this patch.

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Having the same issue.

Count me as suffering as well… I played for about an hour with frequent pauses then got the infamous “black screen” when I teleported to town. Now I can’t even log back in… the servers are flakey as **** right now… typical Blizzard bull.

Same issue here. And frequently.

Yeah, performance is pretty bad. I had to lower the graphics and use dlss ultra performance to lower the stuttering to an acceptable amount.

check if any settings have changed. isnt the first time this happens after a patch. from what i can tell here, im playing flawlessly (except for some rare short lags, which i expect on the first day.

also make sure to post it in the bug report forums. i assume the devs will look there more frequently than here.
hope stuff works out for you fast.

Xbox Peasant here. It runs and runs and runs :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yup, random freezing when fighting and when clicking on any menu or npc.

Used the same computer for all seasons and have never had this issue before, long freezes happening.

again, make sure no settings changed. Wouldnt be the first time this happens after a patch. Basically game settings get changed to what they think should work, which apparently often enough wasnt the case.

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Yep, same as last season but 10 times worse. Favorite is the black screen when porting, that requires a game restart, then get the login freeze that requires a second game restart.

Oh look just got it again now.

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Same. Freezing periodically.

Same thing was happening, finally crashed on a world boss just before it died. This was especially annoying since I was one of the only people at the boss not constantly dying since half of them were level 10 and lower.

Had to download a patch when it crashed which maybe will fix the problem.


Mine is more rubber-banding. Seems worse this season than usual, but maybe it will get better as time goes on. I suppose I should be thankful I can play. Hope it gets straightened out for you all soon.

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Posting this in all the “game randomly freezing” threads.

The “optional” hires texture pack is NOT optional. Without it installed I could launch the game maybe 1 time in 10 or 12 tries. With the pack I’m now at six launches in a row with no issue.

Before I installed the pack the game would freeze randomly in combat, especially when fighting Headrotten. With the pack game play is smooth as silk.

It looks like the problem they had with the pack being necessary in S6 (which they eventually fixed) is back in S7.

Unfortunately I already had those installed. They did push out a patch so maybe you picked up that when you installed the hires textures???

I will add that at one point I had multiple D4 clients running and explorer.exe was up to 25GB of ram. The explorer thing is something I’ve noticed in the past as well. Killed the extra client, killed explorer (then restarted it from task manager). Combined with the patch things seemed better at the end of the night.

One other thing I want to try is a memory manager (I have wise memory optimizer but there are dozens of them) . I had some other game in the past that had memory issues that it worked for.

It was even happening to some streamers i was watching and i know they have beast computers. It’s so weird that the game ran fine for me before but now it’s a stuttering mess seemingly at random, there could be nothing going on and my game decides it’s time for a 8-12 second freeze.

Sadly it was just a happy fluke that it worked last night. I’m now back to staring at the login screen as my game play experience.

This kind of stuff happens all the time with Diablo IV… and users desperately try anything and everything to work around the problem. Sometimes it works, often it doesn’t, but’s what’s worse is that we accept we’re the ones responsible for the games problems. Largely because Blizzard does ****ing nothing when it comes to communicating with the community. Like releasing a patch already for S7 without telling us what it was… just the lame, “Various stability fixes” excuse.