Constant frame freeze and stutter

Ever since I logged in for season 4, I have constantly been freezing/stutter. Regardless of the zone or area I am in, I will lock up for 2-3 seconds. During this time my FPS counter drops to half of my normal frames. So if I am at 170 FPS it drops down to 85, if I am 90 it drops to 45. After the 2-3 seconds it comes back and the screen isnt frozen anymore.

I reach out to blizzard support and they told me to check the forums. I am totally out of ideas after today’s patch release. I thought it would be fixed but it’s not. I did not have this issue from launch until end of season 3.

I have tried:
Reinstalling the game (SSD)
Removing and completely reinstalling drivers (Nvidia)
Changing every graphics setting including moving all to off or low.
Turning off hardware acceleration in chrome, discord, and bnet launcher
Turning off cross network play and communication
closing all other applications
verified game files
googling any and all fixes in blizz forums and reddit
system is water cooled and not overheating

RTX 3090
32gb of RAM

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Yep. Happens to me and my 3 friends aswell. Especially when opening the inventory sometimes. Shame since the season is actually good for once

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Yes happens all the time. Problem already existed in Diablo 3. Blizzard is incompetent. It happens when the server doesnt answer in time and blocks the single threaded render process. Problem are the crappy Diablo servers. Blizzard is greedy and wont give fast enough servers.

Have you tried using older nvidia drivers?
try driver 551.23 January release

Please remember, if you are going to suggest going to an older driver, they also may need the DDU utility and to follow the steps as listed on their website.

Instructions can be found on this post:

-Game crashing after Nvidia Update - #2 by DTMAce-1687

Game lags horribly. It is 100% due to garbage servers running the game.

Its always when opening a tab.

Open Skills/Paragon
Open inventory
Open Stash
Open Map
Open Season

This is a lack of response time from Blizzard Servers. Getting tired of the same story with this company.

Freezes and stutters (the subject) are definitely not server issues.

It’ depends, it often happens when the client is waiting for information from the server. Ergo, loading in another players info. Opening certain menues etc. This is also why the game can randomly freeze/crash when you open the inventory too quick or with a lot of other people around. Like in a Helltide.

The point is that it shouldn’t.

Freeze is when the image does not change AT ALL for a long period (usually seconds). No frame update. This is all about rendering and it should be completely independent of networking stuff, on ANY modern game engine since decades. To anyone who knows what this is all about, it looks like a rendering thread concurrency dead-lock with another thread. This is definitely a local issue, in the engine.

That’s not to say that server updates don’t play a role here. After all, I only have freezes in open world, as you say, almost never in instances like dungeons (which are normally a lot less stressing on networking). But on a patch 2 weeks ago, I also had many freezes during dungeon instances for few days, so well… Then it stopped in dungeons the next patch, though still there in open-world. Whatever, if in any case a network thread tries to lock the same datas as the rendering one at some point, this is seriously wrong game engine coding.

Dead-locks are usually hard to reproduce, especially in this case where only some undefined rigs are concerned and the devs don’t have a rig which reproduces the behavior (since ~2 silenced months now, it really looks like that). So now, this is just a matter of the percentage of customers hit by it. As I see it, we are numerous but clearly not enough for devs to bother. They must think these are bad rigs… I won’t try to convince them that on my rig, my hundreds of games never freeze, many of them more demanding than D4.

Lags are another story. This is network stuff. It usually leads to rubber-banding and does not prevent rendering a whole screen. I wish I had only lags, seriously. Granted it would not make the game more playable, but freezes are tingling on my nerves a lot more than lags, because I just don’t see anything happening on the screen, not even a single pixel change.