Constant Disconnects

Since Season 2 launched, I am getting constant disconnects ONLY after I either zone into a dungeon or cellar OR come into a newer region, like a town or different part of the map. I can still run around, but there are no mobs or anything. And nothing clickable works. 30 secs go by and I get the disconnect error message, and am booted. Tried everything to fix it, from the handbook. Anyone else having this issue? Or thoughts?

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same. anything related to loading/zoning. and before any one else asks, yes i have a SSD drive and a PC that is more than capable of running this game with a very solid network too, I’m literally a network engineer for a living and I can see the game is disconnecting from the server every time, with low latency and jitter on my end.

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Same here… comp / network more than ample to run the game. Played fine since release, until now.

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Same as everyone here. On zone switch I dc. On pc, on ssd. It is unplayable. Would be really nice to get some acknowledgement for this issue that seems to be affecting players.

So another update… now I can’t really get anywhere in the game at all, after logging in. I login and I’m right outside of the dungeon I left last night. I see people fighting monsters and jumping all around glitching everywhere …combat happening but I get disconnected. Genuinely want to play this Season, and just cannot. :frowning:

Are any of you on Frontier?

See this thread if you are:

-Dissconnect / Latency issue - Bandaid FIX

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Same thing happening to me. Log into the Eternal realm and play around and you’ll find the issue goes away. This is clearly related to Season 2. I’ve made multiple characters in S2 and it happens to all of them.

Anything related to zoning causes the issues. Disconnects. Menu items disappearing. Having to completely exit the application at times. It’s complete dog poo, and I really wish someone at Blizzard would acknowledge this, and either tell us what we’re doing wrong, or tell us they’re looking into it. I was frustrated all day yesterday. Today, I’m just angry.

I am… will read and post an update, if anything. Thanks much!

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