Constant Disconnects when port

Since the latest patch I get disconnected from the game nearly every time I port into or out of helltides and dungeons. I see there are already some posts about this that have largely been ignored.

The game isn’t crashing, just constantly booted me when changing zones. I have already reinstalled the game from scratch, tried turning off/on the high res textures and nothing is working

I started seeing this when I switched video cards along with running out of memory.

My solution involved setting a 16GB swap file in Windows. Using the custom option, and setting both minimum and maximum to 16384MB. Reboot and voila. No more teleport disconnects.

Other known cause is running a slower drive, like a HDD for your installation. That will also make the teleport fail.

I understand that you see it as the patch’s fault. And I get that. But these suggestions do help.

Good luck. For details on how to set the swap file, go here:

-Diablo IV has run out of memory - #103 by DTMAce-1687

I have the game installed on my NVME. I have also adjusted the swap file to 16384 and did some more testing and still occurs same areas

Another thing to make sure, is your connection is stable.

And if you are using WiFi, try to use a hardwired cable if possible instead. WiFi can goof up the game, and Diablo IV is one of the most sensitive to network hiccups for a game I have ever seen.

tried both ethernet cable and wifi same issue unfortunately

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Ive been having the same problem. Its a season 4 problem. My hardware hasnt changed and neither has my network. Yet this only started happening to me this season. I get DC’d nearly %100 of the time when TPing after completing a pit. Makes it a miserable experience grinding pit runs.

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Same with me. I was playing super fine, all along S4. Then they did that little micro patch to
and now I can’t stay playing for more than a few minutes and the game just freezes and dies. Over and over. Doesn’t matter what I do in game. Teleport, walking to BS, drinking a potion, opening the map – BAM freeze & insta crash.
I’ve tried a ton of stuff. I rolled Nvidia drivers back to Jan 2024 drivers. I tweaked game settings. I’ve repaired D4, hell I even re-installed it. Nothing helps.

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I am kind of giving up at this point. I cannot keep playing without having to reconnect and log back in so often. Going back to D3

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Now instead of it freezing for a second and dropping to desktop all the time after that last small patch, NOW after the big patch Tuesday I crash immediately to the Fenris window with lots of crash codes.

And in GeForce Exp I set all of the settings to performance (low) too.

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