Considering how rare Tribute of Ascendance is, it should give a guaranteed mythic

I just ran three Tribute of Ascendance (Resolute) - the only three I’ve found this season despite being paragon 250 and having done countless whispers - and in those 3 runs I only got 1 mythic unique.

This is pretty lame. Considering how rare these are, they should give a guaranteed mythic unique in each run, especially on world tier 4.


The (United) ones you can use in a party.

For getting a Mythic for 1/3 seems a great deal, imo - considering how easy both Whispers and UC are. You didn’t have to fight boss mats. You’re literally doing Whispers, which you’re doing regardless in this Season.

Next up - just ask Blizzard to mail you a set of GA3 gear with all your desired affixes.


I think I am 0/12 in season 7 so far. 33% of the time would be massive compared to zero percent.


I am Paragon 230 and managed found 6 Ascendance Resolute and one United. Ran a couple last season but didn’t manage to get any Mythic. Did 3 runs this season and got 2 Mythics. Did almost 100 Duriel kills and no Mythic.


This would be a good point if boss mats weren’t ridiculously easy to farm and the bosses themselves one-shottable. I’ve opened hundreds of whisper caches and gotten 3 of these. The rewards should be in line with the difficulty of obtaining the tribute.

On a side note, we shouldn’t be forced to do insanely boring content to farm mythics. Boss rotations are the epitome of boring gameplay. If you could manage to get 4-5 tribute of ascendancy in a season and have a decent shot at getting the mythic you need that way, it would be a lot more enjoyable.

You’re a clown when it comes to analogies. Best to stop trying before you embarrass yourself IRL.

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Yes we should.
Mythics are ultra rare drops, and shouldn’t simply be handed over by a single tribute.
As it is, it’s quite right. It should even be harder to get a mythic or a spark. Even crafting mythics should be harder.

This is a farming game, not a gift game…

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And have you thought that there are many builds that require mythics to be able to farm any meaningful content in the first place? Yes, we can all play the few fom s+ builds that dont require any gear to kill t4 bosses in a second, and therefore be fine with doing hundreds of boss runs, but is that really the game you want to play?

I had a similar experience, got a mythic on my 2nd run. A mythic for about 15 minutes of play sounds like a great deal to me.

Errr… nope.

If anything, maybe the drop rate for these could be increased. A bit. The Mythic rate seems decent, albeit from a very limited sample size (2 Mythics from 6 keys or so).

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I was trying to work out why I had 2 tributes with what appeared to be identical reward descriptions. I’m guessing from this I missed this part, and one of them would affect a whole party while the other is solo only? I hadn’t noticed TBH.


You should not ever get a guaranteed loot drop of the highest quality just because you managed to get a tribute.

You also should not ever presume that your case is the case. Whereas you found 3 someone has found 20 because of sheer luck.


Blabbler about it more. Soon it will be nerfed to 0.00000000000001% chance.

you’re a :clown_face: for thinking you should be handed mythics. they should be difficult to obtain. but casuals like you are hellbent on destroying this game


33% was also my experience and it’s pretty solid compared to endless duriels.


Yes, one is solo only, one is party wide.

Sure, except T4 bosses aren’t one-shottable for most characters just starting in T4. Undercity, however is because it uses just the T4 world mob modifiers. You also have to ladder up bosses to get mats for Duriel or Andariel.

Your thread is embarassing. 30% Mythic chance for essentially open-world difficulty in UC is quite good. I don’t know the actual percentage, but it seems you made out well.

…and then you ask for even more. :joy:

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If one takes into account the rarity of Ascendance Tributes combined with the probability to get a Mythic from a Kurast Undercity run, it is probably equivalent to getting a Mythic from a TBoss.

BINGO!!! :8ball:

So why make it easy to get on tributes? No point. Leave it as it is, it’s good enough…

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Thanks, I literally stared back and forth for… ok maybe not even a minute but it felt like a long time. Trying to work out if/how they were different. Maybe I need to take up Specsavers on their latest invitation for an eye exam.

The game doesn’t really explain it well. There’s a text blurb when you first unlock Undercity, but that’s it.

Why not just call them (Solo) and (Party) is beyond me…


The dev’s like to complicate…

It’s like the removal of the name of the char class from the gear specific to a class…
Why complicate putting there a icon?
They did that in D3 and it was a communitty headache, and they rolled it back to the initial version…

I don’t understand why doesn’t the dev’s learn with theyr own mistakes… it’s beyond me…

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