Connection issues and ruberbanding season 4

Hi, so I dont have video or pics, but I thought I would just say I have never run into any issues with this game yet.
I know, I’m lucky in that regard, but this season so far has been riddled with ruberbanding issues. I was heading to the temple of rot and couldn’t get there because im guessing it wouldn’t load, so i was running in place at an invisible wall.
This has been happening a lot!
Also, I’ve been kicked out all the way to my xbox Home page quite a few times. It’s been 4 times so far today on a 2 hr run.
I don’t normally say anything, but I love this game, so I feel like I should do my part and report this to you guys. Hopefully, you can figure it out cuz its real bad this season.
To summerize
Ruberbanding a lot
Lots of disconnects.
Please fix. Thank you!