Congrats on ruining this game for me

The mere fact that there are WoW players commenting on Diablo IV makes me happy I didn’t spend my money on it.
This just feels Wrong.

damn youre really losing your hat over a beta?

That’s pretty cringe, yet you are here none the less and able to post… got the ultimate edition?

No, I got the No Edition, it’s cool so far.
Thankfully, you still don’t have to pay to have a voice :slight_smile:

So what is your character name gonna be?

Am i the only human being that had awesome fun last time we were able to play and have the ability to adapt to “nerfs” and still make it fun to play? Yesyesyesyesyesyesssssssss?

Maybe the thread-opener just needs a hug? Come to meeee… im fluffy furry neckbearded master-cuddler… come on…