Confusion about Diablo 4 Ultimate Edition

I bought the Ultimate Edition of Diablo 4 last year in November and I don’t have access to the Vessel of Hatred in any way. Does the Ultimate not come with the first Expansion? I am not spending another hundred dollars on this game. Its showing in my Transaction History on Battlenet that I bought the Ultimate and the order was completed on its Status.

You do NOT receive the VoH expansion for free just because you purchased the UD last year.


Yup, I was actually trying to type an update about that. Can’t expect anything less from a greedy a## company.

what exactly made you believe youd get the first expansion with the ultimate edition? I mean upon purchasing it it cleary stated whats included.


Why would they give you the expansion free? They have to pay people to create it. Do you work for free? If so, I am disabled and have a zillion things around my house I need done. You aren’t greedy are you?


Me too!
Can I pay the OP $100 for a job, then come back in a year and expect more work for free? And if the OP doesn’t, I get to label them greedy?


I was only agitated when I replied lol. Anyone would do the same when it comes to that much money. I still plan on getting it. I was just spouting BS like anyone else would through agitation. Its a love, hate thing. And by the way, I’m disabled to but I don’t go around boohooing to other people about it online. What I deal with is my business. Crying and moaning about it online never does anything so whats the point? Nothing. You’re not the only person in the world with problems. Anyways, thanks anyways for those who answered! :joy: People on the Internet these days.

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Lol, I can see why you were laughing hard last night. Can’t even ask a question and can’t say anything through agitation without people getting all sensitive when it was nothing directed at them. Hell, wasn’t even serious lol.

PS, my Husband is disabled but he doesn’t let that control his life. He still works, he cleans, cooks and washes dishes daily regardless what he deals with. Plus he doesn’t go around online to cry about it. Crying about problems online isnt gonna achieve anything for anyone. Theres ways to overcome and control your issues depending on what you have, if you have something you can cope with, then thats an accomplishment. Complaining online about needing things done when you are more then capable, you are just lazy. Work to get better yourself, by better, learn to cope with it. Even if you aren’t capable, goodluck with your complaints online, no one will care. The Internet is not a place to go to complain. No ones entitled to get a stranger to care about someone they don’t know. To all the sensitive people, NO ONE CARES. Lol. This thread is hilarious. How to find all the sensitive people or trolls, just ask a question even if its dumb and you’ll find em quick! We’re going to enjoy the Expansion because no one said they were entitled. We don’t want to spend the money but we’re gonna. :woman_shrugging::smile: Everyone has a right to get agitated. Like my Husband said, its a love hate thing, love hate relationship. You can love a game and hate it.

Not saying anymore then that, we’re just gonna let this thread go and let all the trolls eat at each others throats. Which I’m going to assume are children because they sure act like it. You guys are so ridiculous, its funny.

That sounds like a real man to me. :+1: