Conceited not working on Rogue

I tested and confirmed that the Conceited aspect (X% damage while you have a barrier) is probably not working for the rogue class when a barrier from the Temerity unique item is present:

1.) Disabled Exploit and Tricks of the Trade, removed Penitent Greaves, so there was no bonus damage from crowd control or vulnerable damage being applied. Some % dmg to injured was present from Paragon that I can’t be bothered to respec, but this should average out and does not present any systematic bias since all mobs were attacked from 100->0%.

2.) Lvl 87 rogue, set to WT3 and attacked level 70 ice clan maulers outside of Kyovashad with Blade Shift only–to avoid any bonus damage effects, vuln, etc., and to ensure no variation on close vs. distant damage modifiers.

3.) Discarding any crits or overpowers, the average damage of a few dozen regular-only attacks was 995 with no barrier.

4.) Spamming potions to maintain the Temerity barrier (easy to keep up since lvl 70 mobs did very little damage), the average damage of another few dozen regular-only attacks was 1025. An amulet with a 36% Conceited aspect was present at all times.

The sample sizes of the no-barrier and barrier sets were 32 and 33 respectively. Overall standard deviation was 148 (132 for no-barrier set, 162 for with-barrier).

The p-value from a one-sided t-test is only 0.27, so these differences are not even a little bit statistically significant, and we cannot reject the null hypothesis.

The hypothesis that the 36% damage bonus from conceited is working as intended can be rejected at > 99.999%

During the test, the rogue used had a combined 249.9% damage in the “general damage” bucket from All Damage, Close, Core, Cutthroat, and Dual-Wield. If the 36% Conceited were being added to this bucket, the expected damage multiplier would go from 3.49 to about 3.86 for a 10% damage increase. However, this hypothesis can still be rejected at >99% with the current sample size.

Either way, the conceited buff is almost certainly not working as intended. This is easily reproducible, and also kind of a shame because a working Conceited aspect may provide some utility to an otherwise lackluster unique item and add to build diversity.

Here is my test data:

No Barrier With Barrier
1049 1356
1048 824
888 1239
1064 1006
813 930
1235 858
1047 1139
894 791
985 1094
1022 963
744 1371
1134 844
1279 1015
1127 1055
898 1058
956 941
876 894
1087 887
1140 757
963 932
1081 1325
1111 1085
824 1189
979 904
1196 1091
930 959
877 1150
887 877
1067 1045
904 1056
798 1151
924 1043

Thanks for testing this properly, I posted about this 2 weeks ago and actually a bunch of other people have as well but this is the kind of empirical data we need.

Hopefully devs take a look and fix this because it’s sad I can’t make builds in a … build making game…

Thanks for testing this! I tried testing this but had too many variables to take into account. Temerity would go great with conceited if it was working properly but neither of them are. This should require a fix ASAP.