Computer Sounds Like it's Going to Lift-Off

I am curious to know what ur temps when you open the map and keep it open for a while. if the temp goes down.

World map zoomed out and centered (Good 5+ Minutes):
CPU Utilization: 15-19%
GPU Utilization: 23-24%
GPU Temperature: 58 Celcius
Fan Speed: 1123-1273 (Started on the high number and slowly dropped steadily)

Hey, just wanted to let you know I have the same issue. Contacted support and they said they are “unable to replicate” the issue. My current GPU is a Gigabyte 3080ti, running on 1080p monitor. I swapped to my old GTX 9070 GPU and the issue still occurs but not nearly as bad. Instead of my GPU temp jumping 10 degrees with inventory open, it only jumps 5. And unlike my 3080ti it doesn’t continue increasing beyond that.

There is definitely something wrong with how the character model in the inventory is interacting with the GPU. That alone should not be spiking temps this much. Unlike what some people think it’s not a cooling issue. I can play any number of GPU intensive AAA games and nothing spikes the temperature of my GPU like Diablo 4’s inventory screen. To be clear, my usual GPU temp while playing Diablo 4 is about 65 Celsius, even after several hours. But with the inventory screen open it jumps to 75 instantly, and within 5-10 minutes it’s pushing 90 degrees. Eventually it fails due to overheating.

It’s beyond me what could be causing this. I have no issue with GPU overheating whatsoever in any game or stress test, other than Diablo 4’s inventory screen. So many people have this problem and Blizzard won’t do anything. There is nothing we can do on our end to fix it.

Why did you turn dlss off?

Have you tried throwing your computer out the window? I find this fixes most problems. Only one downside, you have to fix your window…. Oh, and buy a new computer too.