Communication has gone radio silent

I don’t know if Blizzard is in panic mode, or if they have realized that every time they reply to something or post videos (cough watch a dev play cough) that they are met with absolutely terrible feedback, and for good reason.

The companies path for this game is obvious, and it appears as though other than the people who did the artwork for this game that NO ONE on the team has much of or any idea how to design or balance a game, or hell even know how to PLAY their own game. This is why any communication they give us is met with such backlash.

People are tired of holding on for hope. And with tons of other game options out there, people have no problem jumping ship and going elsewhere. All of the metrics show it. The game is currently on life support and hospice has been called in. At this point we need a miracle.

Here we go again with “hope”.
I’m hoping that the radio silence is because they’re diligently hard at work cramming in hours to try to fix this game. However them going silent could also be a bad sign. It gives PTSD of the total lack of communication we had in D3.


New CM responding in a different thread. Maybe look around first before posting?


Purrrrfect timing :laughing:

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And you think this means something? Man y’all are so naive it’s unreal.


Is it a surprise? Pretty much everything the devs say is used against them. I knew it would just be a matter of time.

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I’m not surprised, and it DOESN’T have to be that way. It’s that way because they have no idea what they’re doing. IF the game was in a good place, or they had meaningful promising things to say, or show for their work it would be met with praise and happiness for the most part (always going to be someone who’s unhappy).

There’s a reason this game is on life support right now. And it’s not because the devs are treated unfairly. It’s because their game sucks, and is on its death bed.


Every time they try to communicate manchildren like you jump down their throat.

Jump down their throat?? I voice my opinion, but never whine or get angry or anything like that lol.

Please remember there’s a reason this game is doing so poorly. And it’s not because of my criticism of their game.


As I have said in other threads, why the CEO/Big wigs do not have anything to do with creative processes for any games, they DO care about “is said game making money” and yes, Diablo 4 Made a good chunk of money but Diablo was not suppose to be a “one stop pony” money train it was suppose to keep generating money.

Now that the Microsoft/Activision merger is settling down and wrapping up i am PRETTY sure some of those big wigs checked in and went

“Al right diablo 4 made money and lets see here whats this link say “Devs tell player base they can go outside and touch grass: or play another game” Huh…picks up phone Marsha get Adam in here, I DONT CARE HE IS TAKEN A ##@ING NAP GET HIM IN HERE RIGHT #*@!ING NOW!!”

And chewed the a new hole into that dev team, I will not be shocked, surprised, or stunned if by time the second season rolls around: right after or before we get a whole new dev team and this team, Like Jay Wilson and his team in diablo 3 are gone.

So yes, Panic mode, recovery mode, Silent mode, trying to save there jobs mode I am pretty sure is the main focus right now. Next time you see these guys on there little fire side chat don’t be shocked if they all look tired, worried, stressed and flustered.


Well, they kind of deserve it imho. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you…. What goes around, comes around…. Karma is a itch.
I mean they made their bed….

Maybe, but regardless of fault or who is to blame. My only point is that if every time they talk or open up about something happening behind the scenes and it becomes an opportunity for attack then obviously they are going to stop. Again not really trying to get into whether or not they deserve this but rather just pointing out cause and effect.

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While I’m feeling hopeful/positive about the arrival of the new CM.
His/Her posts haven’t had that much substance yet beyond an introduction.

So it isn’t really much of a counter. At least not yet.

“Safe spaces!”


They don’t give a sht bro…lol

They got their money back. They’re more worried about the government blocking Microsoft’s acquisition of Blizzard/Activision.

They will communicate when they are ready to do so. Until that point, why fret over something that’s out of your control? I will never understand…

With how toxic you people are it’s not the least bit surprising. If i was part of the D4 dev team i’d have no desire to engage with this community at all.

It’s communication. Which you said… isn’t happening. Sounds like you’re moving the goalposts to become about quality of communication instead of just admitting you’re incorrect.

A CM introducing themselves and saying “I’ll be here fore a long time” isn’t communication.

Where have all the devs gone on Reddit and Twitter?

They gone gone.

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after the lash back they got with the two pronouns pretending to play they are most likely pulling back. PR getting routed through bosses and such before going public.

I would imagine they blame the “mean gamers” instead of their own ignorance and disconnect.

They’re probably busy attending another Rodcast :joy: :sob: