Collect animus dungeons

constantly coming across the bug where you have to collect animus in dungeons but there is simply not enough animus to be collected, Seriously why is this bug still in the game it has been since launch wtf are you devs doing, it is such an easy fix just make it that there drops more animus than needed to open the door done fixed, like seriously how do you expect players to care for the game when clearly you devs dont give a crap about it, this is seriously a joke and the dev team should be ashamed


The animi are like HT cinders, you have to wait til the next day before they all drop. So you probably have one on the other side of the map.

The worse part about this objective is some monsters spawn more critters when they die. Anima won’t drop until all the new monsters die.
Anima won’t even drop when the Elite has affixes like Plaguebearer or Fire Enchant. Anima should just drop once health reaches zero. Anything that happens after death should not interfere with anima dropping.


I’ve come across this several times while using charge with Barb. Seems every time they are charged into a wall and die there it bugs out and an orb or two won’t drop due to their position. They have to die in an open area.

Technically this should be logged as a bug; however, the real solve is to get rid of the functionality all together. Let me explain.

Most of the time when i have this ‘bug’, the missing animus dropped but i just didnt see it. So i end up spending 5 minutes retracing my steps through the entire map to find the missing animus. This particular scenario could be resolved by just highlighting the non-picked-up animus within the entire map view.

There is a small % of the time that missing animus just didnt drop. So after walking through the entire map 3 times, the player is really annoyed. Since this has not ever been resolved to-date, get rid of the feature altogether. Im pretty sure this bug has been in existence for a long time and i experienced it once this season. So yah, doesnt occur that frequently, but very annoying when it does.

Generally for me the times I’ve encountered it, is simply I missed picking it up without realizing I missed it. The back tracking to locate the last little fill to the gauge is not worth it sometimes and I just port out and do another dungeon. I understand they enjoy their little dungeon “objectives” but frankly they just need to go…

I’d rather just go to end of the dungeon like some dungeons are with 0 objectives and fight the boss.

it would be much improved if by killing said mobs it filled a bar and when the bar was full you’re granted access. No drops involved.


i know how they look and how they drop, point is it was a dungeon with basically only one way from enter to the closed door and its easy to just walk from one side to the other nothing, you can make excuses for the dev team all you want, they just to lazy to fix this bug that has been in the game since launch, nothing has been overlooked it just does not drop the amount you need

I never make excuses for the developers - is sarcasm so hard for people to detect? is that why people need to use “/s”? - the delayed drop is one of the things I find most annoying about the game (only yesterday, was noticing HT’s had really bad lag, probably due to the drops delay, and it was very disorienting like an old car lagging and lurching). And I don’t see why they couldn’t have the pet construct pick stuff up, unless they want us moving in circles/backtracking all the time to be sure nothing was left behind until we all become OCD.