Oh yea, no doubt, I pay $600 per pay period for dental, vision, supplemental, full health and legal supplementation for the family, which is great if you ask me, would I prefer it to be less? Sure, but it’s definitely doable.
Social charges and broad taxes are where things start to take a dive in some European countries, it’s free in the sense that you don’t pay for it at time of service.
However, OP is banned, let’s just hope they’re being honest about only using said software because with some posts, there’s some information missing. So we do not know why they are banned, I do hope it gets resolved though, and if it was due to that specific program I’d be willing to bet there will be more threads like this popping up.
So anyway, if OP was from the EU he could just ask for his data based on the GDPR regulation and blizzard would be legally binded to provide WHY HE WAS BANNED in 30 days or else they would be fined. No ifs, they would be fined 100%. We don’t play around when it comes to personal information of freedom.
you think we are free here in the EU? think again!, the only thing we are alowed to do is working until we die and then losing all our money to the state we live in, all the good things you hear about the EU is all propaganda and lies! once you live here you will see that the EU is not a happy place to live!
You can request Blizzard to delete your collected data / data overall, this will close said account, though. They need no reason to terminate. I doubt it’s different in the EU, at least in the US you can sue anyone for any reason, just don’t expect to win.
yes but non off the programs we use are third party software in diablo 3, so if your using an injector, what you would need to make it work, then its a cheat, simple, and there is bann on it, you are not alowed to use any mods, or addons, diablo must stay clean from all those things, and i understand why he got banned, the litterly said it, any program used to enhance diablo will result a bann for it. its not hard to understand; no other program is alowed to use the diablo . exe as injecting an advantage
these are no third party software lol, you dont know what a third party software is? wel go learn on google what it is. you are not alowed to use a program that injects a cheat into the game!!!