Cinder Drop Rate Shadow Nerfed

Oh right thats good you can hotfix this :wink: can u hotfix the return of every player leaving the game as well for launching the worst patch ever seen to a game ? 6600 words of nerfing ? Serious question : What is your end game with this game ??

YOU HAS CONSOLE? :laughing:

If you think you only have an issues with hell tide, you got a big problem mate , i am done with this game and will never buy anything blizzard made !

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Can you also look into your brains when making a patch?

You have nerfed my Barb to the point the only thing it still does well is Shouting…

awww your bitter comments are so cute. and you act like you’re not jealous. Just go away and troll some where else. :smiley:

Hi. Your game is dead. Thanks! Bye!

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Yeap, this is how Blizzard fixes things. Nerfing and trashing everyone so that the game makes you feel you need to spend more time, energy and money.

Another thing not in patch notes is the fact that you can no longer get into tier 3 unless you are lvl 50. Think that would be something that would have merited a mention. You devs need to lay off whatever it is you are on and snap back to reality. Read the feedback from your userbase before there’s no userbase left give any feedback. Content creators have jumped ship and can bet my left nut that userbase has been cut in half due to the recent patch.

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RIP Helltide.

Also i came back from WTIV cos drops and XP are not enough to justify the increased difficulty.

Now this.

Can smell the Butt hurt all the way from here. Poor lil hater.

Have fun playing a game that has no soul and obviously no plan to give it one :clown_face:

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So you dev team proves once again they can’t, or won’t test anything before putting it into production?

Can’t say we’re shocked at this point.

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Also dont know what happened but after downloading the update skeletons are dying like flies (more so than before)

Didnt see this nerf in the patch notes

Oof, getting BFA and Shadowland flashbacks


This really sucks now. I enjoyed the helltide grind as it was but now way less cinder drops and must get 250 for 2 or 3 pieces of gear that will 99% be trash anyways…no thanks

This is no fun at all very very boring and tedious. The affixes on items are too much as it is Now it will be even longer to try to get good items. Killing your game!

wow a blue posted on the forum… i thought twitter was their official platform

really amazing


It took 30 minutes to get 250 cinders, I used to be able to get 2 mystery chests if there was at least 20 minutes left in the event. For all of that work, 4 sacred legendaries when I’m in full Ancestral.

Absolute waste of time.

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That’s how you know they are sweating (^:


THis is no fun at ALL! It is a one in a million to get a good item in the first place yet alone to waste 40 minutes for 3 junk items.

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