Cinder Drop Rate Shadow Nerfed

Yep. I just completed an entire Helltide and it’s almost a struggle just to get 250 cinders and open one mystery chest in the full hour. I used to open two or three of them with ease, possibly even more if fortunate…and still have cinders leftover.

You can lay waste to an entire group of enemies right now and not get one cinder…Lol It’s a joke.

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told you guys that it wasn’t a “bug”

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Agreed. I could farm probably 700-800 cinders before and open 2-3 mystery chests for the full hour. Now, it’s 350-400 cinders and 1 mystery chest with the same amount of time and effort put in. Massive drop in cinders and then of course the mystery chests cost about 43% more cinders to open. It’s terrible.

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It’s fixed. Just looted a 250 mystery before the reset (~10 mins). Won’t let me link the actual image, but the link is below, just delete the spaces in the url.

https: //imgur. com/a/wVE28p4

Great, so the helltide I just recently completed was the last one which was nerfed into the ground…Lol

so 1 chest the whole event???

Wrong there are plenty of pro gamers that play diablo 4 just because you suck Diablo at it doesn’t mean others do too.

I didn’t assume jack squat you showed everyone how much of a CHILD you are. Go back to your cave of stupidity.

LoL you are funny as an electrician back in 2001-2004 I was paid 14$ an hour. That is not a “HIGHLY PAID” trade skill you are just dumb AF. The 12 years I spent in HVAC I was an installer and made 2000$ a week during the 3-5 month time frame of summer that installs for HVAC were high. I wasn’t a service tech and for you to assume I got “fired” is the biggest asinine thing I have heard from anyone.

Either you cant play Diablo 4 without being carried or you couldn’t stay clean from using bots & 3rd party software to play the game for you because that’s how much you suck at the game.

Here is 2 pictures of my thumb you pompous little child.
(they will auto delete in 24hours)

Maybe you need to rethink your whole aspect of life because here again I have shut you down like the little ashat you are. Maybe YOU should grow up because you are dumb AF trying to spend 1 hour and get to end game but want to cry “my job my life my booohooo i cant play the game because of exp to hard i have to play it and cant get carried no more boohoo booooooooohoooooooo cry cry cry cry cry.”

Go away child also added you to ignore list because you are so ignorant you couldn’t pay me enough to read the trash you keep spewing.

that was before the reset of chests (about 10 minutes for 250 cinders)…it just ended, i had a total of 1226 cinders, got three mystery chests and a bunch of random chests as well.

yeah, the one that literally just ended was fixed and working as before the big patch yesterday.

It took me the entire hour to farm 250 cinders for 1 helltide mystery chest. At times during my helltide I killed mobs of 5 to 10 monsters and only 1 cinder dropped. Sometimes I killed mobs of 7 monsters and no cinders dropped.

I would have done much better with that hour farming regular dungeons and easily gotten better gear. Helltides are no longer optimal with the cinder drop rate nerf.

I would totally play that game it sounds awesome. Id pay double for a game thats actually fun while youre grinding rather than feeling its a chore. I definitely shouldnt be level 100 and getting 1 shot in helltide. Its ridiculous and has sucked all the fun out of the game.

I can confirm they have fixed it, just finished helltide and I got 1168 cinders within 57 minutes, and I went back to sell my stuff three times so yeah, at least they fixed it :slight_smile:


just logging on so fingers crossed

A BUG?!?!? you dont say, D4 is a huge bug hole! derp!

Hah thanks bro.
The feedback is there but Blizz continues to ignore it…
The thing is that these mmo andys dev have no vision and no experience at ARpgs. Also they are led by a Clown (Rod)… We had that bozo (Jay wilson) who made D3 now this…

When you are not capable to understand the roots of the problem, you cant fix the real issues… thats why this team, even at season 69 want change the game to a better one.
We need to KICK all of them and Restart a New… Maybe its karma and history repeats itself.

Blizz recruit some passionate Devs that ckeck the game not their paychecks

(FromSoftware says hi)

No no. This is the house that gives out pennies. Sometimes even shiny pennies.

I know I sort of drifted off with responding to you, because I felt as though the discussion was no longer going to be conducive however I just want to let you know that…

After leveling through the first time the game was fun.

The second time not so much.

Third, even more so, etc.

Some of us like to do things like… Hardcore low level duel.

We don’t want to grind the ‘no longer entertaining’ part of the game to arrive at the part we do enjoy.

Anyway. After reading your responses to Hope. Yeah, I’ll digress again.


You literally are too stupid to comprehend what I have written.

I don’t care if I suck, man-child. I came to see what was going on with the drop rates on embers and I see some small-minded TOOL being belligerent… I realize you might not know what that word means, use Google. Playing a game NEVER equals work, even pro-gamers do other things.

Yes, you did, and STILL are assuming, again look up the meaning of the word.

Interesting, my dad is a UNION electrician, in 1998 he was making $28 bucks per hour, right now he is making $52 AND almost another $100 per hour in benefits. And when I told him what you made, he laughed out loud. First-year apprentices make more, with benefits on top. My older brother is an HVAC tech, Duct installers are not “HVAC guys”

good grief, you literally have no comprehension skills.
ASSUME: suppose to be the case, without proof: That is the definition, and EXACTLY what you continue to do. I play SOLO because I enjoy the game, I have NO idea why someone would want to be carried in D4, I don’t CARE if they do get carried, it’s none of my business. I ENJOY DOING HELLTIDES, and THEY BROKE THE DROP RATE. They even admitted it, and said they are going to hotfix it… WTF is your problem child? Was your brain in your thumb?

At last! If it means I never, EVER have to read through any of your bullyings again, I will be VERY happy. Thank you for doing me the solid. GROW UP.

Cinders are fine. Ran Helltide and opened two mystery chests in 20 minutes. Not sure what’s everyone going on about.

Cinders are fixed.

Items are worse. Because they added stuff like barrier gen in the stat pool for all classes, the likely hood of getting an fractional upgrade drop went from 1 in 500-800 to 1 in 2000-2500. I vendored 100% of the trash that dropped during my helltide waste of time test. STOP ADDING DEAD TRASH STATS AND HIGHLY CONDITIONAL TRASH STATS TO ITEMS.

Just because you nerfed vuln, crit, and cooldown reduction doesn’t make other options better, it just makes all options worse than they were before. vuln crit and CD reduction are still mandatory as long as they exist in the game.

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