The D4 2.0 patch forced Chromatic Aberration on the entire game which is terrible and gives me migraines when I play. Shortly thereafter, an update came out allowing us to toggle Chromatic Aberration.
It came out on PC, PS5…but not Xbox?
Please give us the option to disable Chromatic Aberration on Xbox One, Blizzard! I can’t play anymore and I need my hell fix!
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There is an option to disable it in game on xbox, below the graphic/framerate option, have a look 
These are my options under Graphics:
Font Scale
Safe Zone
Color Blind Filter
View Distance
Where is it exactly?
(I would link a photo but forums won’t allow links </3)
Sorry at the dentist, but I know it exists going home shortly.
I know it’s right underneath the option where you can change from 60fps to 30 fps, I noticed it 2 days ago, because it wasn’t their before.
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Thank you so much for your assistance! I just relaunched Diablo 4 and it’s now updating, so I’m wondering if that will make the option available!! I’ll report back on whether or not my game was just out of date.
So in Options, under the Graphics Tab, at the very bottom (Performance) it says Chromatic Aberration, underneath Enhanced Visuals 
And this is on the Xbox One? The update didn’t make anything visible, sadly…
Oh are you on Xbox one? Or Xbox Series consoles? Maybe that’s why you don’t have the option, I’m on a Series X.
That could be! Paging a Blizzard mod
I opened a ticket so maybe that will help.
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