Character stats changing back and forth!

Okay, I am going to do my best at explaining my issue here. So, at first I didn’t think anything of it. Just thought it was me just being, well me. Several days later the problem has gotten worse! It seems that when ever I equip a better piece of gear, my stats will jump, (Obliviously thats going up are a good thing) however, as soon as I close the window and take a few steps and reopen it my stats drop then go back up a little. Sometimes, it will keep adjusting them up and down. So, at this point I have know idea what the heck my total stats actually are.

Blizzard, I hope we can get this fixed in a upcoming update. Thanks for listening.

Most likely not a bug. You have gear that changes stats.

like constantly? I mean it’s confusing. It wasn’t an issue before last couple of updates. Sometimes it will change my stats more than once too.

Yes. I think aspect of elements was doing that on my build. Drove me crazy.

There’s also an aspect that changes your damage output based on whether you standing still, moving or have moved recently and the damage climbs a bit when you stop moving.