Changes we would like to see

Some suggestions for changes we would like to see in the game to make it more interesting, competitive, and enjoyable in terms of progression.

Suggest changes you would like to see in the game in this topic…

For example:

    I think this thing about dealing millions of damage is an exaggeration, why is that? Some creatures’ lives should be 1000 at most… whoever deals a thousand damage is already king… why exaggerate the numbers? The character should start by dealing 15, 20, 50, 100, 200 and go up, but without going too far into the thousands… why put these absurd numbers of millions? Games like Tibia, for example, have always benefited from low damage, you will NEVER see a guy there dealing millions. The guy who deals 2 thousand damage to any monster is already considered super strong. And that’s great the way it is. Diablo should have taken this from other games. Their calculation system is really weird, millions of damages rising on the screen at the same time, horrible thing…

  • DROP CHANGES: The drops too, they had to be smaller, this thing of killing a monster and it dropping 400 yellow rare items, it had to end. This thing just pollutes the game. If each monster dropped one or two items at most, with a certain rarity even, it would already be great. Increase the price of the items, make them more valuable, this would add a certain amount of difficulty to the game… it would be much better.

The side quests should not be hidden, I do not want to click on rocks, plants or dead bodies hoping a side quest will appear. I am down to 11 of the 218 and have no idea how to locate the few remaining ones.


Again with the we. Only talk in your own name.

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When I say we, I mean “we, the core community of the game”… Let them to express what they would like to see in terms of changes and new features in the game, since MANY PLAYERS are requesting these changes… Many are asking for these changes, because the game is too easy at the moment… Diablo needs to be more difficult and challenging… So yes, I speak for the core community of the game, not just for myself. And for the whiners who want a very easy game, go play Barbie.

as a console gamer id also like to switch off on pc but i enjoy playing with controller id like to see microsoft leverage that hardware and make a diablo 4 controller i want 6 buttons instead of 4 keeping 2 or 4 bumper buttons and no triggers.

hell throw in a .35 cent LCD showing whatever game info im interested in on it! please make sure to call it the D4R edition R for ROCKITZ

(i have the elite controller i cant stand the under the controller buttons. i dont use them and are removed)

Wouldn’t it be more interesting if there was only one realm?.. This thing about separating the eternal realm from the seasonal realm is kind of messed up… You could have the season normally, and when it ended, you would move on to the next one, just like it is today… but everything would be just one realm… It’s the same in Cabal Online, for example… There you have only one world, everyone plays in the same world, and the seasons will happen in it… It would be much better if Diablo was like that too, because then you wouldn’t need to “retire” your character in the eternal realm to play in the season.

You speak for you.
There is no such thing as a consensus in an optional, online forum. You do not represent anyone except yourself regardless of how many posts you may have seen agreeing with you. Certainly you can reference them, but you can’t assume you are a spokesperson.
Stop being a self-important clown.

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For the money they are charging there should be more than one new class. And spirit born? Don’t we already have a druid? I am going to be honest, I won’t be purchasing the expansion until the price comes down or they make it a better value.