Change for Sever to deal double damage bug when using Reaping Lotus' Aspect

“Change for Sever to deal double damage” doesn’t work when I am using “Reaping Lotus Aspect”.
If I remove “Reaping Lotus Aspect”, the damage of Sever can affected by (Change for Sever to deal double damage).

I hope we have a fix soon, thank you.


Macrobioboi allready pointed out the bug, so next patch(not todays) will have a fix hopefully.

Seeing the same issue as well.

Just discovered this bug as well after visiting Marcobioboi’s page.

Was really looking forward to making a sever build.

Wasn’t there some kind of Sever bug with the unique boots not too long ago, where the DoT did not stack, or something?
Has that ever been fixed?

But ya, chance for double damage is huge. Wanted to do a crit build so not being able to hit twice is quite breaking.

wait is this real? my build uses exactly these stats and i still got to farming Torment 4. i’m going to be doing insane damage when it’s fixed lol

I pretty much quit the season for now a few days ago, after discovering the bug. Knowing a bug is causing my build to literally do half damage is pretty demotivating.

It’s unfortunate that this hasn’t been addressed after two weeks.

I’m pretty sure Desecrated Ground, be it from Greaves of the Empty Tomb or not, still don’t stack.
The Boots also still spawn it just ahead of you, rather than under you as well - for the purposes of the Desecration Glyph.
The Desecrated Ground on Evade is also completely pointless.

It’s pretty much all still very much so questionable design, in line with the rest of Necro - and Sever as a skill is entirely carried by the Reaping Lotus Aspect on a 2h rn.

Oh didn’t know this either? So do people still use that glyph or have to choose something else? Or do you need to stand in melee range right on top of boss? (not my ideal play style).

I want to try the build but not sure if it’s worth getting 2x dmg chance (or using the boots). I don’t know if necro has any other viable tempers that come close to that kind of dmg.

T4 in the overworld isn’t too hard to do on any build or class; it’s more so what pit lvl does the build fall off quickly.

You don’t use the Glyph. But tbf, even if they were to fix the Boots you probably wouldn’t use it, as both the Additive Bonus as well as the Legendary Multiplier they added to it at Lvl 46 affects Desecrated Ground Damage only - rather than all your damage, as other options provide.

If you wanted to use it with the current functionality, you’d have to stutter step forward into the Desecrated Ground every 2 seconds, which is most definitely a DPS loss, despite it’s 1.2 multiplier, besides making for terrible gameplay.