Can't Unlock Sigil Crafting

Sigil Crafting quest is bugged for me, i can’t craft any sigils at all (the craft sigil tap is greyed out).

Note: i’ve completed many normal dungeons in world tire 3 and 2
and also completed many nightmare dungeons but the issue remains the same

I’m having the same issue, I can run NM Dungeons but I never received the quest to craft Sigils.

I have the same problem. On tir 3 World i havn’t quest on Nightmare Dungeons & i can’t craft sigils

I did a level 3 nightmare and it opened.

I had to go to the Tree with a full bar, after lvl 50, before getting a sigil drop. Then sigils dropped in that Nightmare dungeon but not in open world nor in Helltide.

Sigil vendor options are still greyed out (lvl 54)

I am also experiencing this issue in my seasonal character. I’m in T3 and have completed multiple NM dungeons, but I never got the sigil crafting quest and the tabs are greyed out at the Occultist.

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You can unlock crafting and salvaging option after completing a Tier 3++ Nightmare Dungeon.

Ah thank you. I just switched to WT2 then back to WT3 and did a T3 sigil and it unlocked.

this is still an issue, im into world tier 4 and it is still not unlocked, done numerous nightmare dungeons , tried logging out of battlenet, switching tiers back and forth, updating game, verifying integrity, and its still not working (in seasonal btw)

World Tier has nothing to do with unlocking Sigil Crafting.

How to Unlock Sigil Crafting

Unlocking Sigil Crafting

In order to unlock Sigil Crafting at the Occultist, you must first complete a Tier 3 Nightmare Dungeon. Follow these steps:

  1. First complete a Tier 1 Nightmare Dungeon, which you acquire through the Tree of Whispers in Nightmare Difficulty.
  2. As you kill monsters and progress through the Tier 1 Nightmare Dungeon, you are likely to find a Tier 2 Nightmare Sigil. If you do not, run any Tier 1 Nightmare Sigils you acquired in that dungeon to try again. You can also reliably acquire additional Tier 1 Sigils through the Tree of Whispers.
  3. Run a Tier 2 Nightmare Dungeon or Dungeons to acquire a Tier 3 Nightmare Sigil.
  4. Once you acquire a Tier 3 Nightmare Sigil, complete that Dungeon to unlock Sigil Crafting!

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