Why Steam users cant acces PTR? We paid same cash in steam than in battlenet.
I just purchased in steam to avoid compatibility problems i had with d2r playing with my Steam deck.
If i would have known i wouldnt have acces to PTRs i would have never bougjt trought steam. I like more playing PTRs than regular seasons. In d3 i just have played many PTRs on many seasons.
U got acces to more gear without farming so much, u can test many builds, and there is also PTR ladders.
The problem asking for a refund is lossing my chars.
If i can save all my chars and progression i will ask for a refund and buy the game on battlenet.
But i dont wanna play campaign again!
Now when i log d4 , as steam is connected with battlenet i can see all my battlenet friends list when i play d4.
But on battlenet when i log and i go games i dont got d4 bought.
If i buy d4 on battlenet i will be able to continue with same chars i got on steam?
Are u sure of this? Its not gonna be a new battlenet account?
And second question: asking for a refunding on steam of a game i purchased months ago and i have played more than 300 hours is gonna be accepted? The reason is legit , i got less features than battlenet, is diferent that waht was advertised!!!
u kinda forced to link it isnt? no other way to play.
semantics lol , we are battlenet users too , like i said u cant play D4 w/o having a bnet account .
maybe next ptr is avaliable for steam users too , test servers on steam are pretty common , usually labeled as “DLC” , so optional to download like HD textures.
considering they didnt plan to have PTRs at all im surprised this is an issue, didnt you buy the game expecting not to have a ptr like we all did.
i do think they need to add PTR on steam they clearly didnt plan to have them as stated so its more than likely they have the structure in place for PTRs on battlenet already and just havent added one for steam yet, if enough request it maybe they will do it, but it would need to be a seperate game to steam which means they will have to pay more for it. they cannot do the beta option as it would replace the base game and most wouldnt want that.