Cannot upgrade Vessel of Hatred DLC to Ultimate (Steam)

I accidentally purchased basic edition because I didn’t see Ultimate Vessel of Hatred pack and now I cannot upgrade it at the in-game store. Is there any way to do it? The menu is there but upgrade is in grey. Platform Steam, fix pls

hm, it should be possible to upgrade. Eventually you should submit a support ticket. If its not doable currently on steam, there might as well be the option of a refund and change to the ultimate edition.

In the in-game store there is a gray screen and there is no way to improve the versions, I contacted the support service, they answer with standard phrases, contact Blizzard and so on… they don’t return money for DLC content, you just have to wait for the fix. This already seemed to happen on Steam, with platinum, it didn’t come after purchase and then fix it

It would be nice if they allowed purchasing the upgrade with our platinum

It must be some bug that doesn’t let you. They always allow people to upgrade for the difference. Put in a support ticket with Blizz. They will get it fixed long before the expansion drops.

Here’s what the support responded. Thank you for your time. For our part, we will not be able to attract attention or speed up consideration of this issue.
The fact is that the Support Service does not have direct communication with developers or other platforms such as Steam.
In such a situation, creating a topic on a forum is the best choice. This will attract the attention of developers to the situation and speed up the resolution of the issue. Just waiting for the fix

You could also try the developers on twitter. They spend some time there.

Thanks for the tip, I’ll definitely try it.