Cannot Log In - Unable to find valid license for Diablo 4 (Code 315306)

having same issue on EU servers.

Neither are you. So, what is your point?

FIVE HOURS LATER it is still an issue. I mean… wow.


Some of us saying that this is normal and we have to obey this abusement. However, Nope!
They do business and we payed for this service; We purchased something with our money; just the type of this service is “gaming” actualy this could be different than a gaming service;
forexample, people can purchase such services as virtual yoga, asmr, psychology or even sex via credit card or debit from any online services, they are just having these services easily and not getting abbused like this. This feels like that someone scamming me and taking my precious time from my life. You give the money and wait for play like their dog. I just want to inform them about my situation; it’s noon and i still did not eat the god damn breakfast. I’m waiting.


Maybe upgrading to deluxe edition would fix the problem

launch has been flawless serverside except for the store hotfix that cucked logins at the end of early-access and this one now

this one so far has been the worst serverside issue for D4 and far away the worse serverside issue of any online game in recent memory - no access for 6 hours on a sunday is diabolical


Noob i got code 1 thats superior :), Code 1 is what you get when your characer is so powerfull the servers cant cope with the ammont of damage you do.

Guys… it’s not a D4 problem. ALL blizzard games have these issues so it’s something more global…


So, it’s the same company. Do you think their servers are all owned by different entities across the different games or something? Rofl.

Fix your game please. This is getting annoying every week with this nonsense.

Hey its only been 6 hrs, give them at least 2 days to address any problems; cheeseballz need their beauty rest.

same for me in Europe


I got to the end of the campaign on Friday night, at lvl 42 and WT2. Took me 10 minutes to kill her in both phases. After the kill, I got insta kicked and it said account locked for 5 min. Then logged back in, and my progress was lost (still needed to kill the final boss again).

Today I log in and this error pops up, with the license.

Blizzard you and your game are a mess.

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Youve got to be kidding. This is literally like the 10th day since release with prolonged login issues…


40 min later and it still doesnt work for me. guess im done for the night. hope its fixed soon.


This is disgusting. The game should have had an off-line mode. Why force people to have internet for a game that can be potentially played single player only? Epic fail.


I feel lucky. Mine is Code 1.

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6 hours later and they are still having this problem figured I jump on and create a new character nope lol.


Welcome to “always online”. Literally can’t play on a Sunday, because “* YOU, PAY US 90$”.

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Since I can’t log in, might as well bump.

Hey… kinda reminds me of a Van Halen song.