Cannot Log In - Unable to find valid license for Diablo 4 (Code 315306)

Diablo 4 Story Mode/side quests is meant to be single player, anything past that is a bonus. Would you be happy with just Story Mode offline?

diablo iv is an online mmo

come at me

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Yeah i have no real interest in paragon and levels i just want to 100% the map

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Still can’t get in after I went to eat an hour ago. Still an issue. Playing one HOTS game trying again then doing something productive with my time if it’s still an issue, like assembling a nightstand.


Has the game been down 4 hours?!?

I am going to LOL here and see the humor as it is intended because you were playing just like we are all trying to get into the game.
How many trees have you hugged today?
I pet :cat2:. They are friendly, and they purr. :slight_smile:

I see some people have been getting it 6 hours ago.

Can I pet yours? would love to listen to it purrrrr.

You provide no usefull help, just assuming

the fact that you didn’t type “cat”, but used an emojy is the reason why this gen is doomed.

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Naw playa, it is your response to the cat post,that tips the scales

Fix please? sgdfhfghdfghd


Little indie company trying hard to figure out this whole server business, tough for such a little company to get the hang of it so quickly


OMG This is STILL a problem?!?!?!? Come on Blizzard. Fix it already? You’ve had hours and hours now. Roll back whatever stupid changes you made and fix it!


6 hours later feels like its time for an emergency roll-back on the recent hotfix


I got the same error.
Come on, this is Sunday. I have time to play

yeah this is worse then d3 launch . no?

this is what im getting at the moment. east coast usa

same issue here, from asia

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Not even close.
