Cannot Log In - Unable to find valid license for Diablo 4 (Code 315306)

Got the error message of death just now. Came here just to die inside in the forum purgatory.

yeah i canā€™t sign in now. iā€™ve tried 3 times. it was fine earlier about two hours ago.

Yea i experince it aswell. I donā€™t get it i thought they had fixed it

same here, I have been getting the same " canā€™t find valid license" for last 7 hrs

Dang it I was hoping it would be fixed by the time I got off work lol

try changing language in Bnet settings, then change back. worked for me for some reason


Damn Whoopi again DDosed my license Code 315306, thanks blizz

Apparently we are playing beta and theyā€™re testing our patienceā€¦

I just purchased the game played for a literal 5 minutes and then I got DCā€™d and now am unable to login with this error. Please get a fix soon and not just a basic troubleshoot of release your IP. Thatā€™s spotty at best for a fix.

Yo!! thanks this worked. Went into settings and changed language to EU and back to English. Boom worked. Must be an issue with bnet refreshing.


Happy to share the info, found this fix in some other thread after searching.

This works, thank you. sometimes you gotta think outside the box

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Iā€™m having the same problem

I hate to tell you. I am 52 and the cat emoji was just for fun. Please donā€™t be mean. I was just trying to be funny because of all the raging that was going on due to not being able to play.

and yes I only have one kitty now. I lost my little girl sunday night. she was 16. I miss her so much.

Great necro bump necromancer.