Cannot Log In - Unable to find valid license for Diablo 4 (Code 315306)

LOL good luck w/that request for a refund bud…Blizz has your cash and don’t give out refunds.

I can’t log in to D4 or WoW.

Same Error. Tried 20+ times. To hot and muggy to do yard stuff today too. Just let me be a degen for a day please.

y same problem :angry: :triumph: :triumph: :triumph: :triumph:

same problem here 20 chars

Just tried to play and got this error code myself, came to forums to see anyone else had the same issue and see if there was a work around.

its intresting that it is allowed to force your customers to agree on a service that you can not guaranty to provide.

O mesmo erro para mim…

Still unable to login on PC. Can confirm login issues resolved for my wife and friend on PS5, though. Either priority is on console players or the supposed “DDoS” attack has less bearing on the console servers, if they are different than PC.

No login here either. … :confused: Is the DDoS attack directed to the licencing servers as this happened nearly simultanously as the licence error showed up…? :thinking:

Yeah it is

20 characters

The silence from Blizzard on this issue is telling. I’m stuck with this same issue and all I see on the front page of Battlenet is a DDOS issue. Where is the ETA on a resolution, are you just going to leave us hanging?! I hope you have some sort of compensation in the works as well, we spent money to play a working game that is dependent on your servers (no offline mode) so because of that this is on you. DDOS, really?! How many years have you guys been dealing with this now… Still haven’t figured it out?!

They must be joking right? They have been dealing with DDOS for years… in other versions… Guess they can’t figure out how to deal with it.

If someone says “You can’t stop DDOS” or “They can’t prevent DDOS” then I will argue that they shouldn’t be putting a game out for money that is dependent on something they can’t fix. And… If it’s not fixable (nothing they can do) then why would it ever come back online? There is no fix.

By this logic, publishers should never release online games ever again. Think about what you’re saying here.

After 3 hours the same error. Friend of mine just loged in with no problems. I have one day a week when I can play in peace and it doesn’t work.

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I just got in maybe the game’s working now fellas?

trying entire day, cant log in. And when i was able once, i had to turn it off after 30mins of playing :smiley:

Well i’m having great luck at the moment i just got another Legendary. But hopefully everyone who owns the game can get to join in

same issue for me ;c

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