Can we stop with the Tempest Roar posts?

Like, seriously. Stop trying to force builds. You work with what you get. Deal with it.

And just to add salt to the wound, ive scrapped like 5 of them because i didnt want a werewolf build XD

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No? I haven’t had a chance to vent my frustrations yet…

The thing is, it is really clear that Blizzard wants us to build around Tempest Roar, and there are some great builds that utilize it. It would be one thing if all of the Uniques of a given tier had the same drop rate, then what you are saying could make some sense. Certainly if everyone were complaining that they can’t run a Harlequin Crest oriented build because they can’t find the ultra-rare unique you would have a great point, but the reality is that some people are finding many Vasily’s Prayer helmets before encountering a TR. So many more that it this clearly isn’t a question of bad RNG but very definitely a drop rate difference. Clearly, both TR and VP are meant to be in the same tier, just as the two werewolf/bear chest pieces are.

The more people that complain about the bugged drop rate, the more pressure Blizzard will be under to fix the issue. Excuse me while I go write my own TR post.


2 out of 10 builds or something. Very clear.

Have you considered that if they haven’t “fixed” it by now, maybe it’s not broken?

why should we stop, its obviously bugged

And what data and fats are you using to form that “well reasoned” opinion, besides your feels?

  1. it doesnt make sense in these type of game to lock a build behind an unique item which is clearly bugged/rigged rng system (it is happening a lot that people get one aspect over and over but dont get other stuff, in this case vasily over tempest roar).

  2. it makes even less sense if the same game locking a build behind uniques doesnt allow trading for that unique…since you dont get tempest roar but you get vasily’s it would be easier to trade them…but no, blizzard said “they want people to get loot by killing monster” in a video which is obviously an excuse because they dont want/cant to deal with RMT

blizzard has to change something with this issue so i hope people keep complaining about it

I dont think you know what clearly means. That’s literally just how RNG works.

If you flip a coin 20 times and never get heads, that doesnt mean the coin is bugged.

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diablo 2 was random but never got more than 1 angelic sickle every now and then nor an angelic halo, the same thing in Path of exile…torchlight 1 or 2, should i keep going?

Sure! Your personal anecdotes doesn’t mean its bugged.

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im not the only one, it’s not just the druid, check other posts everyone is asking for some aspect or stuff they dont get but they get the same thing over and over…again it doesnt happen outside diablo 4, and since the loot table was already bugged for the druid, it isnt so crazy to think that something may be wrong

Ya and in everyone of those posts are people saying theyve seen them a bunch, directly countering the argument.

Ive never gotten Ashes of Al’Ar from Tempest Keep in WoW, despite farming it for years. Doesnt mean its bugged. So it literally does happen outside of D4.


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ok i will give you that rng is rng but locking builds in untradable impossible to target farm items is still a dumb approach

Just got another one in Helltides off random event trash. Dropped before event was finished, not from chest.