Can we please get a Blue clarification on what can be done with Legacy Items?

@lyricana or @pezradar any assistance would be much appreciated!

From the last update it is clear you cannot masterwork or temper legacy items.

However, what about:

  1. Imprinting?
  2. Adding Sockets?
  3. Salvaging?

It would be incredibly helpful to know if we need to finish imprinting legacy items before the patch! Thank you.

This was in response to a twitter question. Based off this explanation though, I would assume you can’t do much with your ‘Legacy’ items except salvage them. And wear them of course.


I imagine you can salvage them, that’d be weird. But at the same time you’re going to want to replace them asap so you can use the new tempering and Masterworking systems

Thanks for that link.

I wonder if you can repair? Can you change gems?

It would still be nice to confirm frozen in time also means imprinting is still allowed or no more imprints either.

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Agreed, so many little things that just weren’t told, we need a sit down AMA about the changes lol.

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GOAT they seem to like you ask Adam on X he might answer you. I never post on X I just read it sometimes.


I’m not saying I may have already asked a question on twitter, but I’ll just say the last question in my Q&A thread wasn’t exactly ‘found’. I may or may not have a dummy twitter account.


I am seem to remember during stream that if you extract aspect and keep them now, they will go to power codex after patch.

So probably their power will be extractable even after.

Well presumably since we do know you can salvage, the salvage will act as an extraction.

Hopefully we can get some clarity once the business week starts!

You can still do everything you can now. You just won’t be able to use legacy items with the new systems. So no masterworking (replaces the current upgrading) and no tempering. And if you can’t reroll/enchant legacy items, there’s a good chance you can’t imprint either.

Socketing and salavaging I’m betting you still can interact with. Salvaging 100%

Would be super lame if can’t repair though! I’m half joking and half worried.

Play Hardcore! No worries about repairing!

No, but seriously - it would be hilarious if Legacy gear couldn’t be repaired, but seems too on the nose for Blizzard.


I wouldn’t be investing much in the current items beyond what you absolutely need. The new affix roles and ranges available will near instantly surpass them come the 14th of May.

Specific unique items will probably be the only thing worth holding onto if they are needed for your build.

Does it really matter? I think 100% of the time you should be replacing gear with the first decently rolled legendary you find, if you choose to play eternal.

Like you should not be spending any amount of time re gemming or enchanting. Repair maybe once if it’s already broken I guess.

I think it will. But of course I reserve the right to be wrong and often am!

My current hunch is that affixes that will not longer appear will be useful to load up on pants armor because pants have the least useful temering. (emphasis, i didn’t say useless, I said least useful and therefore least painful to give up on tempering).

So imagine pants that are: Aspect of juggernaught with Damage Reduction, Damage Reduction Close, Damage Reduction Distant, and either All Stats or class specific DR. I think these will be useful to have versus new pants.

Further, since aspects get changed all the time server side (e.g. disobedience changing once again, plus sometimes the ranges re-roll server side), I’d like to know how durable these ‘vintage’ pants will be if I sink the crafting materials into them. After all, in a realm called ‘eternal’, I really hope items are more longer lasting than 3-6 months.

All legacy gear will be useless and unwanted. You are overthinking those pants.

They will be replaceable as soon as you start replacing all of your gear. 1 piece of gear that drops with greater affixes would render those pants useless.

Well, if they’re frozen in time, then they wouldn’t be repairable, but that wouldn’t matter because they also wouldn’t be damageable. :upside_down_face:

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For what it’s worth, I wear my legacy FoF with LH healing all the time…and can still repair.

Respectfully and genuinely curious, what affix list that can roll on new pants with greater affix would you want on pants in S4 and why do you feel this is superior to 4 DR’s?

I see no reason why you would not be able to add sockets or repair. Those are both systems that are entirely separate from from Tempering or Masterworking. Changing an aspect on a legacy item should also be possible but that is more intertwined with the major changes that are coming so I guess we will see.

It would be nice to know for sure because I have a ton of Legendary and unique items on Eternal which I am planning on using or salvaging and selling after the patch.

I will also hold on to some of the more interesting Legacy Items. I already have some uniques that have different versions of stats.