Can we please buff the drop rate in shako, grandfather and some of the other actually good uniques

SInce there are no class set right now and I hit a ceiling on my gear at level 95. I have been vendoring 95% of the drops from nm 55-60 for the past 2 weeks. salvaging and extracting the other 5% essentially useless legendaries.

I have nothing to chase after knowing the good uniques is at a drop rate of lower than winning the lottery jackpot. It is very de-motivating and it is been so long the time has killed much of the excitement now.

I haven’t had to upgrade, enchant for very long and I have maxed out in a lot of mats like forgotten souls and stuff… raw hides was maxxed out long time ago too. I racked up almost 70 million gold and is climbing daily. It is kind of boring now.

Since gear drop from lvl 70-100 is essentially the same, once you found the stats you looking for , for the build all you left to do is farm out the remaining XP and paragon board…


Don’t worry, they will rain from the sky once they release WT5.



I really hope so. I mean seaon 1 is not until mid July I think. I don’t want to level another character right now in eternal realm, because Season 1 patch will bring in QoL on leveling.

I am reserving a class for season so I am waiting now. It is pretty boring right now to be honest. I like chasing after loot, when there is a hope you will get one. Not having some loot with 0.1% drop rate

I think we are going to see more. They are likely testing the waters. I didn’t get one soj the entire time I played d2. I am not going through that every season.

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did you bump your head or something while replying ? Sorry can’t understand unless you can chat like a normal adult.

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I still have only 1 useful aspect. LOL. And it’s starting to expire :man_facepalming:

Yea, very true. As a bone necro though, I have about a handful useful aspect. and 3 viable endgame build ?

I really want to try blood Necro, but unless they buff it severely in Season 1, I am gonna have to stick with bone spear, not much diversity there.


20 character limit

You’re very lucky you are able to be at end game friend… i have only been able to actually play the game for 11 hours since it’s been released and it’s a different experience every time in regards to nerfs etc and feelings of skill powers. I have just cleared act 1 with minimal quests left behind, which i will probably back track when i next play… however… i have changed my build multiple times now and finally felt like i had one but it seems since i last played (and just changed to that build) it’s been nerfed. Now i’m not against it but it’s seriously not cool using basic skill so much knowing if i change again (from a basic skill) im wasting more gold AND un-necessarily wasting skill points.

Blood necro, especially blood lance necro is doing amazingly! So is Shadow mist, both are better for high nm push than bone.

Give this build a try:

Way less squishy than bone, way less. I want to play sever the most, so I hope for some nice Sever uniques coming in S1

They should, but they won’t, not for a while. Blizzard doesn’t seem to understand how important economy / chase items are for longevity. Meanwhile, hours played is falling off of a cliff less than a month after release and they think it’s because leveling takes too long. No. It’s because leveling is boring, because there’s no variety (expected), and no loot (wtf were they thinking).

I am feeling a specific frustration atm related to uniques (not even one of the super rares). Started a druid specifically to play storm druid with tempest roar. now level 85 and haven’t seen it. I get it, RNG is RNG but I wish there was a way to target so I didn’t feel so defeated. Its like buying a lottery ticket everyday and hoping for the best.

game hasent even been out for a month. rofl. it should be superrare. keep grinding and you will find one and it will be rewarding.