Can anyone recommend a good build for high horde push for Necro other than bone spirit

I am decently geared and build minion Necro, at 100 and farming tormented boss easily. But due to nature of the build I am stuck at horde 4, not even kidding. I struggle hard on horde 5 and I often cannot complete it.

Minion AI so bad runs around can’t kill anything gets overwhelmed.

I hate Bone Spirit will not play that. Blood surge is still bad for single target

Is bone spear with new lidless and deathless visage any good for high tier horde push ?

im not a fan of bone spirit myself, tried it as i didnt play it all those seasons, but not really my cup of tea. right now im enjoying minionmancer, tho ill say my build is absolutely not optimized. currently doing horde 5, can manage horde 6, (tho its pretty tight, still trying to figure what works out nicely).

as in most seasons ill do a second necro, i think a bone spear will do nicely if you dont like bone spirit, tho, the lidless wall build is the “safe variant” of a bone spear necro. ideally youll want to use a grandfathers anyway.

how did you manage horde 5 ? your minion doens’t run around like headless chicken and ends up getting overwhelmed ?

well, i basically spam the skeleton priests to keep certain buffs up. my golem deals with the big troubles.

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by chance are all your glyphs 21 ?

hell no. im super slow this season. all lvl 15.

ummm, I am similar boat, I wonder why I cannot manage horde 5. Maybe build ? this is frustrating lol.

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i trtied this paragon board today which feels nice id say, tho needs adjustments as you might not hit certain rare node requirements

also switching between the reaper minion nodes between bosses, and trash mob fights make a difference.

also, minionmancers did get some new aspects, i consider it hard to decide which ones are the best for a setup.

currently spamming h4 to get my jewels to royal ^^

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Thanks for the reference.

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very welcome. i think minionmancers got their potential, but the extra new aspects dont make it too easy right now, since, if we are being honest, we always suffered from an aspect bloat ^^

only unique ill be able to wear is a shaco, which replaces hardened bones.

Had a randomly suggested video about blood surge and am currently leveling a Necro alt to try it:

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Andariel blood surge

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ye no mythic uniques right now and I can’t bet on getting it. On top, blood surge build feels clunky to play for me LOL, but thanks for the suggestion

Cuz whenever you blood surge you can’t move. It is almost like you stuttering

The blood surge guide I linked to also has a video explaining how to cast while moving:

It seems kind of awkward though and seems to involve using wasd movement which I hate.

I tried to get some version of it to work without wasd using the force movement key that I use anyway but it doesn’t work. Also in the process I noticed toggling on the option “disable mouse movement” also disables the force move key even though I bind it to a keyboard key, which seems immensely stupid.

Beta quality control schemes I guess. I think that guys cast while moving system is just a bug.