Campaign completed, does it update Eternal realm?

Simply put, I’ve done the campaign for VOH. Will this be mirrored on Eternal, or only after season is done?. Thank you.

According to Brent during the Q&A on the latest updates stream:

So it should cross over the other way too.

I did VoH campaign on eternal and it gave me the skip option for seasonal. The fog of war was gone on seasonal where I went on eternal, so it looks like the two realm are still connected for things like that.

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Thanks for replies. The reason I asked is, the fog is gone but the quest to start the campaign shows up.

And no mercenaries!!. Should add this is for what was an existing char.

You have to hit ‘s’ for skip. Rather than the original red button to give the option to skip campaign. It will then ask if you want to skip the base campaign or voh campaign too.

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Goes both ways like the DEI hires.

So, as suspected, the two way does NOT exist (for me) on existing characters that came over. When making a new character on Eternal, it correctly updates to no campaign to do and mercenaries all available. On older transferred, it skips initial part of the campaign, but then leads you to the campaign after that starting with the first merc (then all mercs available) but, Neyrel etc campagin carries on. So, yep, broken, or maybe working as intended?.