Camera will now zoom out

This zoom thing alone would be enuf for some ppl to give it a +1 but we got so much more in this chat. I was expecting some decent things but not a complete homerun. This could be the day D4 was saved. Not exaggerating at all. D4 is a new game after this.

Such campfire :camping: . Much WoW (no sarcasm!!!) For real this time.

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Shade of LOOT 2.0 from D3 … Haleluyah !!!

THANK THE GODS. #characterLimit

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I will of course give it a try, but at this point I prefer the existing zoom level. Glad it’s an option now though.

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That has been my number one ask since the game came out on PC. Hoping we can zoom out to the level you see while on horse!!!

This chat is so much fire that its now only 11% contained as a wildfire in Texas. Why texas? Because everything is bigger in Texas including the RoS type levels of save this campfire is!!!:fire::fire:!!!111!!!

I’m happy as long as I can now see the skeleton archers so I don’t get shot from off screen. Now if its not enough to keep that off screen instant death on NMD 100 from happening I’ll be disappointed.

Is the zoom out optional? I like the current view and i dont want to play an ant.

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“In Season 4, the camera will be more zoomed out. It is a gameplay setting. It starts at the current default (what we have today) […] [and lets you] pull the camera out a little bit further.”

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Thank you devs for this!!!

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Not getting my hopes up too high. Remember folks the limitation is the consoles. Their systems can’t handle the gfx pressure

Finaly! very good, until now it was too zoom for me.

I hope they zoom out the camera with every new patch XD

uber uniques allready drop in overworld

do you watch diablo on reddit ??

people even report it can drop from valuts chest
and they post pictures of their monitor taken from cell phone :smiley:

I don’t know how I’m going to cope not looking at my shapely legs strutting about town.

Maybe there could be an affix on a gear slot where the camera zooms in on me when I ride or run by.

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Does it also give us a map zoom out? I don’t like click and drag

You know you can scroll the map and zoom it out.

Just checked out the footage looks like horse riding zoom out.

I zoom it out but it still doesn’t give me the whole map in one screen. I have to click and drag it around. No good

Ditto, I’ll probably continue to play the game as it was intended because I’m used to it.

But something caught my ear when I looked at a you tube video from "Ryker’ I belive…

The reason why everything was so zoomed in was because they (Who ever is in charge) wanted people to see the cosmetics and be tempted to buy cosmetics for themselves.

If that’s true that is a very SHRUDE Move… lol cause it worked! :sweat_smile: