Call of the Ancients (side quest) -- Gharl dies before becoming quest objective

I was able to kill Gharl before he became an official quest objective, which makes the quest impossible to complete. Current workaround is to leave the dungeon and reset the dungeon’s progress.


Seems to be still the case. Cannot complete the quest.

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Same here… abandoning the quest doesn’t reset it either…

Looks like this just happened to me.

Same here, really frustrating

Ditto, killed him before the chief called him out, and now even after leaving the dungeon and resetting it three times, it still doesn’t let me progress through the red light/smoke door after him.

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Had the same glitch. Managed to reset.

Abandon Quest
Change World Tier to reset dungeon (change it back…)
Pick Up quest
Dont kill Gharl early on next attempt :smiley:


This is the way. Brilliant!

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The above resolved the issue for me as well. It seems that if you don’t actually enter the chamber with the chieftan before killing Gharl, then it will glitch like this. I wonder if they can adjust the progression trigger to activate when Gharl is engaged as opposed to ‘entering’ the area.

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I knew something was wrong when I was running around like an idiot. Were super strong and should take it as a compliment I guess.

Just to come back here had the same glitch in 2 other areas, one was a dungeon where I had to destroy bone totems, destroyed one before progressing to the area and the “quest” had updated. The othere was with the Iron Wolves taking out cannibals, destroyed the gate and enemies before the leader had finished her speech and again the quest hadnt updated.

Patience and being more careful required!

As of July, this is still an issue. However, you can fix it by simply switching world tiers. You do not need to reset the quest.

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