By Three They Come bugged, cannot progress

On the quest step “slay the ghouls,” all ghouls have been slain and yet the quest does not progress to allow me to break down the door. Nothing will spawn so I’m just stuck. I even tried abandoning the quest and restarting it, but when I return to the area everything is already dead and the objective still says “slay the ghouls.” I was really looking forward to this quest and it’s very disappointing that I cannot do it because of a bug.

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I second this, I’m on Series X and I’m also stuck at “Slay the Ghouls” I tried relapsing the dungeon, abandoning the quest, redoing it. Nothing.

Oh hey man, I was finally able to break through after 5 resets. Try being super slow like, run around until all the ghouls have spawned, only then kill them. With the door, I tried also not to have any over time damage just in case itd be weird with the damage phases. But yeah, run around until you’re sure all the ghouls have spawned before killing any.


How did you get the ghouls to reset? When I go back, there’s nothing to kill at all.

This is bugged on PC too.

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This is also bugged on PS5. I tried it after a reset too.

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The door is broken but quest won’t continue

I think this bug may be related to pet classes (druid, necro). I had the issue and came back with my wolves unsummoned (off my hot bar) and was able to proceed

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This worked! Thank you!

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This quest is still bugged, FWIW. Ice shard sorc, I let a bunch of the ghouls spawn while kiting, then did my Deep Freeze - all of them popped.
A couple enchanted mobs then spawned but i mowed them down in a single ice shards cast.

I tried Leave Dungeon → Abandon Quest → Reaccept quest → return to dungeon… It was still stuck on the “slay all ghouls” step, even though no ghouls were in the dungeon.

Guess I’ll go do other quests instead.

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I’m playing on PC, btw - so platform doesn’t seem to matter here.

Still possible to get bugged as of 1.2.2…. My steps worked to fix it. Leave dungeon via action wheel. Abandon quest. Pick up the quest again. Reset all dungeons via Journal. I went in damaged the door slowly. Waited for all ghouls to spawn about 10 seconds (Elites at end), Repeat another time, finally break down the door and you should be good.

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Man…This quest is still bugged??? After 2 years, I faced this same bug. When you will fix it??

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Best way is just to do nothing and run around for like 20 seconds . wait for all the mobs to be spawned and then kill them. should be fine

this worked for me too bro thank you

When you will fix it??

Can confirm this is still broken on Xbox Series X! I really can’t believe they haven’t fixed this yet!

Still bugged on PS4.
Necro, I unequipped all my minions, equipped a non-damage over time skill just for the door, then I ran around like an idi*t waiting for all the ghouls to spawn, killed them all at once after. It worked.

Aug 2024 quest still bugged. Skipped all quests and leveled to 100 then went back to do some quests. Will reset and try to kill slowly but not sure if I can…