Bursting Venoms Fixed with Patch

In case you didn’t know:

Bursting Venoms was only intended to proc with Poison Imbued attacks. Instead, it could proc with EVERY attack regardless of poison imbuement.

This was fixed with today’s patch.

Time to run Barber like the rest of the peasants.


time to druid / necro :]


Time to run a new game like Path of Exile. Fixed that for you.

Shadow nerf/fix without being mentioned anywhere in the patch notes, GG Blizzard you win, you’ve finally succeeded in making me quit the game you’re trying so hard to drive into the ground. Bone spear necro and Bulwark druid floating around with 200-500m crits - rogue lucky to get 3 poison procs off a dungeon now. Nice.


Where this information is coming from ? I never had a single proc of Bursting Venom off a normal attack. Wtf are you on.


Watching the video, i did not really get what happenned, but it seems it’s only tied to barrage.

Can you describe this bug precisely ? Never experienced something similar with Twisting blades…

Edit : ok i did see it at the end indeed… weird, does not appear to happen THAT often.

this is an interaction with all imbues using barrage, its not the aspect thats bugged alone, its imbues in combination with barrage, you could have all imbuements proc while using puncture when priorly using barrage… there is literally videos about it from the same youtuber.

So this is not a bug of bursting venoms, this is a bug of getting imbuements to proc with puncture after using barrage…

Thanks for the clarification !

Watch all the way until the end.

BV could proc off ANY attack. This has been well known for months bro. Look at all the videos of rogues melting Lilith.


Flawless logic, if you can melt Lilith then it’s a bug. Love science.

Edit : Also if it’s been known for “months”, please show me a video of a rogue using twisting blade without barrage, proccing a pool without the blade being imbued.

it should be fairly easy to find if all the rogues on the planet were abusing it.

Edit 2 : Reading the comments on the video that was linked, people seem to confirm it was only doable using Barrage. It REALLY has nothing to do with this situation, please stop spreading misinformation, it become embarassing.


Bro you could proc it by just spamming puncture. This was obvious literally the moment you equip the aspect. Do you even play the game or you just like complaining on the forums?


Read above ty - BARRAGE - hard to get i know


At exactly 1:00 after he switches from Penetrating Shot to TB he still gets a proc of Bursting Venoms just using Puncture which has nothing to do with Barrage.
That is a bug.
That shouldn’t be happening.
That’s what was fixed.

I get that it ruins the Poison build though, especially for the Rogues unaware of the bug.


Woaw, one last try and i’m done, if he DID NOT use imbued barrage at first it would not have worked, it is INITIATED by using a poison imbued barrage. Please… this is basics…


Even if it was bugged somehow, you cannot say it’s a bug without backup proofs or without it being stated by an official source. It’s nonsense.

Is blizzard fixing the skill with patch 1.1.1 considered an “official source”?

Haha…if that’s how you feel, I guess you can wait for Blizzard to return Bursting Venoms to way it was before. I’m sure it’ll happen one day.

I’ve never used Barrage. It happened just the same with Flurry.

You’re getting salty it seems, i don’t even know what to reply to this regarding this aspect ATM, it does barely add some value, most of us would call it “irrelevant”, if you’re right, why would they even let it into the game ? It brings NOTHING as it is. Again, we’re not far from nonsense.

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