BUGGED: Dolmen stone boulder not working

Ive found that if you remove boulder from your skill bar and then re equip it to the skill bar it works again for a period of time. Very annoying when it cuts out during a boss fight!

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Same here. I noticed problem of that (cuz before a bit crafting) it was working. The issue is Hurricane duration (Storm Augments - Weapons from new recipes). With these after Hurricane ended, one Boulder still rotate around you but has no dmg, then Hurricane up + spam Boulder is totally bugged like I mentioned earlier - animations exists, but no effect.

Pls fix this, cuz is super fun Build. With that new recipes we can easily get 100% up Hurricane, but without that Augment of Duration, we have to wait around 8 sec.

I’m so pissed dude, i spent so much gold to respec into a broken build lmfao im not playing this till they fix it

Same problem.
I was really happy to find the necklace.
But the interaction its broken

The hurricane drops all boulders when refreshed broken the build
And the boulder skill stops working in a couple of minutes playing it. Needing to taking of and putting back on skill bar to work, until broke again…

Same issue here :frowning: just got dolmen and started noticing boulders only spawn sometimes when hurricane is active

Any news? Im waiting to comeback

Tick tock tick tock let’s get the rock…boulder…druid…FIX THIS BUILD.

Still bugged with Suppressor Fields and monster spawned walls. Super fun build that’s impossible to play. So sad.

We’re encountering the same bug again. Currently awaiting resolution to fix the build.

I am encountering the same bug. Had no idea this issue existed.