Bug with Bursting Fiends in Infernal Hordes

I’ve noticed a strange issue when playing infernal hordes on pc. When I’ve picked the Bursting Fiends boon that makes Aether Fiends explode on death and damage nearby enemies, it seems to trigger before they would normally die. It happens so fast it’s hard to tell. It does look like they explode before death and it even chains to any nearby Aether Fiends and then they don’t drop any aether. I’m not sure if it has something to do with my build or if it’s happening to others but I am working on an Endgame Stinger Centipede Spiritborne. My best guess based on what i’m seeing? Maybe it has something to do with Noxious Resonance explosions somehow triggering the aether fiend to burst prematurely? It’s really hard to tell but it happens fairly consistently. I generally try not to pick that boon since it doesn’t really help increase the amount of aether that drops. Anyone else having this issue?

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I’m seeing this issue as well, playing necro, I had like 6-7 aether fiends all bunched up, 1 exploded killed all the others and my aether went up by about 3. I think only the original one that exploded gave aether. The wave clear is nice but its a horrible at the moment since it seems the explosion kills don’t give aether.

I also noticed a similar bug when standing in a soulspire and the explosion happens from an aether fiend that is also in the spire. Whatever it kills doesn’t progress the spire so it clears all the enemies but you get no kills and lose even more time lol

I didn’t test it but I wouldn’t be surprised if the explosion kills also don’t progress you to the next aether event

Hey everyone,

I just also got this bug in several runs.

If you summon Aether Fiends with that “bubble”, either North, East, West or South, the spawning Aether Fiend seems to drop Aether after his explosion just normally.

But all randomly spawning Aether Fiends won’t drop Aether anymore (they explode, but won’t drop something). Sometimes a few Aether do drop, but it seems to be absolutely inconsistent and doesn’t make sense at all.

If you don’t select “The Bursting Fiends” as a boon/bane, there’s no issue. This only occurs if you select this after a wave.

A second bug, that might be connected to this one, is that if you choose “The Bursting Fiends”, as mentioned above, and you have screen-wide explosions because there’re many Aether Fiends around that trigger explosions on each other, wave-spawns seem to get bugged (at the spawn locations North, East, South, West). The Icon appears on the minimap - but nothing spawns.