Bug report Diablo 4: Login error 316719

This happened to me 1 billion times. I don’t last longer than 10 minutes.
I even pre-purchased and played last weekend with no issues.
I’m playing right next to someone and they aren’t having the same issue.
Same network. Only difference is comp specs but mines better so yea.
They’re playing the Necro. I’m playing the Druid.
It’s the fricken Druid.

I am having the same issue and I am playing Necro.

playing Necro and I am recieving error 316719

I may have more information that may be useful. Checking the local logging on my system I found the FenrisDebug.txt log file stats the error as “Error selecting hero | error_code: ERROR_PARTY_NOT_EXISTS (316719)” . I keep crashing in the dungeon with Lilith talking about meeting Rathmas sorry dont know if I am spelling it right first time playing this far and I have an NPC as a party member. I wonder if when it boots us to the login screen it can’t log us in due to the NPC not being available or something along those lines. The only way I can play again is to close diablo 4 and relaunch and sit in queue. I have saved a copy of the log file if it helps but the rest of the log seems normal with no other errors or alarming messages.

Having the same issue. Play for about 5-10 minutes then get a network error. Returned to character selection were i constantly get error 316719. Have to re-log and wait 30-45 minutes in queue. Rinse and repeat all day. Happens in towns, open world, dungeons, solo, in a group. Spent more time in queues then actually playing since 0900 PST.

Same thing with me twice now. play for 10 minutes with a friend and boot to character screen and have to sit in a half hour long queue again.

I played all last weekend with no problems though.

No, running Windows 11, been getting this error all night, the same as everyone else, can play for 5-10 minutes, error out, then back into the queue. Happened 10+ times at this point, about to just call it an evening. Didn’t happen at all last weekend. The only thing that has changed on my end was downloading and installing the most recent Nvidia drivers.

@Blizzard - make it so that if a player gets disconnected, or the game crashes, or the player closes the game deliberately, retain them as “logged in and past the queue” for X minutes (5-10 minutes?) so that upon relaunching the game they can immediately resume playing. Having players to wait in the queue again because of some issue on your end is not good. In the beta it can be excused (kinda?), but definitely not in prod. ccc

I am receiving the same error. Similar situation, log in and play for about 15 minutes, and then kicked back to the character select screen where I cannot select a character and continue. I have had this happen on my Druid, Sorc and Rogue unfortunately. Therefore, I don’t think its tied to a single character. One other issue, anytime I enter or leave a town while I am able to play, I drop a ton of frames for about 15 seconds, and then its fine until I either enter or leave a town again. I have a decent rig, with a 3060ti, and can play most games without issue. Luckily, I did get to play all weekend, during early access, and only disconnected once. It’s an incredible game, and I am stoked for June, but I really wanted to level this Druid lol. Back into the queue I go, this time its only 33 minutes.

All Day I’ve been seeing this issue. Get to play anywhere from 15 minutes to maybe an hour and a half, 2 hours if I’m lucky, And Then “You’ve been Disconnected from the servers” and if I try to get back in… Nope Error 316719…

And then to top it off the Queues are running any where from the Miracle 4 Minute queue, which then bugs out and forces a reconnect/crash… To higher 40+ Minute queues.

“But Webdeath, this is an Open Beta, and they said they would have server issues and you should expect it.”

I watched people playing the Pre-purchase Beta last week and it was NO WHERE NEAR this unstable! Sure players had issues, but that got resolved pretty quick. This? Insanely bad.

This isn’t bestowing any confidence in me to shell out the $70+ Price tag for this game at this rate.

So TL;DR Still having issues with 316719

That probably wasn’t even a 1/10th of the load vs today’s load… Their goal, right now, is to hammer the servers. Again, this isn’t a demo or early headstart, it’s a beta.

I have been getting this code after 10 mins of game play after being in que for 80 mins. Now I have a 50 min que. This have been a bug since closed beta.

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It’s weird though because some people have been completely unaffected by it, while others have been inundated with the error.

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The easiest way I’ve found to get booted is to sell too many items too quickly or perform too many tasks with items too quickly. Seems like the server doesn’t like the spam or has a hair trigger for it and then it boots.

That or when you roam from one area to another and it tries to mesh you into another shard with players. You’ll know the triggers that I mean when you see them. The ones where you hit the invisible wall for seconds before being able to move forward.

Also, they are likely testing all the different data centers as well.

same problem here, my friends are playing normally, only me is being affected

Exact same for me. I have been DC’d every 30 mins all day followed by queue, most my friends have been on all day with no issues.

Been dealing with this also. First its not specific to any class (been playing Rogue all night) and as some have pointed out the devs put out to expect this as this beta’s aim was to stress the servers as far as they could go to know what bugs need to be squashed by the June launch in other words it’s working as intended Considering the number of times I’ve bought a game that felt like I was playing a beta on launch day . I for one, would play this game in this condition ( well maybe a bit less on the d/c trigger) if this was Launch day

Do you have problem with game? I can’t get more than 9 fps on GTX 960 and i5 6400 .

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Got same bug if disconnect don’t crash the game.

How much VRAM and RAM you have? Looks like its not enough. Game has staters on GTX 1060 6Gb and RAM 8Gb on normal.