Bug on quest Dirge of the Mire

Unable to to complete and not sure what to do…
i’m stuck on the dirge of the mire speak with neyrelle part… i had a world quest pop up and left the TP now i can’t get back to location. anyone else have this? is there a way to reset quest ?


@theone Ask a friend who have completed to join the quest to join your party. Ask them to get to the beginning of the quest and you go back to town and teleport to them.

This crap is so bugged that it kicked me out of the game and now i’m getting the stupid “your account it locked”…i mean they only had 11 years to make a working title…

Same bug if you warp out while the snake is in the swamp you cannot return. Invisible wall stops you on the East side snake stops you everywhere else

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Something that worked for me, is standing at the bugged barrier near the broken down hut, then leave game. When logging back in, I spawned next to Neyrelle. Good luck!


Thank you!!! This fixes the issue.

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Thank you! This totally fixed it for me!

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Genius! Thank you so much.

Most of the time, when I’ve been stuck unable to progress, I just stand as close to the quest marker as possible and restart. The game, so far, has always put me right at the marker on restart.
The last time it happened was with Meshif. He was nowhere to be found and I needed him to cross the desert to get to that temple place. I was able to go into the desert but there was an invisible wall stopping me from getting to the quest marker spot by the temple. So I stood as close as I could and restarted and sure enough I started up right next to meshief at the quest marker with the desert behind me lol

This really works but i found a random spot near the snake, closed the game, logged back in and im standing next to Neyrelle.



this worked for me thank you !!!

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Im stuck on the campaign mission. After killing the spirits it says to follow Neyrelle. When i do, nothing happens. Ive progressed ahead, went all the way back, TP out and go back, nothing happens. This is the 3nd time I’ve hit a dead end on quests. Next i will be uninstalling.

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