[Bug] Cold Front

Cold Front; While you have a Barrier active, you apply 24%[x] more Chill.

Isn’t working.

It provides 24% of your current chill. So if you use a skill that chills for 8%, and you have a barrier up, Cold Front adds 24% to that for a total of ~10% chill.

It’s Conditional? It’s weaksauce?
Yup. It’s Sorcerer.

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The small percentage of change isn’t the issue, it’s the fact that the numbers don’t change at all when meeting the conditions.

Frost bolt = 7.65 stagger against the training ground boss dummy without a barrier
Frost bolt = 7.65 stagger against the training ground boss dummy with a barrier

We should be seeing 9.49 if Cold Front was applying the 24%.
It’s not.

However, items with crowd control duration do work, applying the additional stagger in line with the percentage increase of the duration.

Stagger isn’t calculated based on amount of chill. It’s calculated based on time.

Eg, if you Stun for 3s it staggers more than if you Stun for 2s.

Seeing as all your Chill is applied for the same period of time, stagger doesn’t change.

Thanks for improving my understanding. I’d not considered the time aspect of applying chill.

Testing against the Normal and Elite dummies proved that Cold Front does work - The number of Frost Bolts it takes to freeze them went down with ranks in Cold Front.