Buff SORC, bring back mindcages, barb to OP and NECRO changes

Some feedback on the PTR.

  1. Shadow NECRO did not need this much of a nerf. Remove the cap from wither node pls the blighted aspect nerf was more than enough. Or bring back the pre-nerf blighted aspect. Both of those nerfs at the same time is a bit much.

  2. Buff SORC they really need it (and not a 2% buff to a skill). They die to fast and do not deal any damage. Was going to start as a sorc for the new season and tried it on the PTR but it looks like it got butchered a bit.

  3. DRUID needs more damage to still. Give them a bit more buffs but not to companion builds they are fine I think (but don’t nerf companions either). landslide feels awkward to use now because when I cast landslide on an enemy it goes off behind them. I want to hit the enemy I cast it on.

  4. Why does the morticrux use/buff macabre damage wtf. it is useless now because it buffs one thing that doesn’t have anything to do with using corpse skills. make corpse skills a macabre skill, make morticrux buff shadow damage or make it buff corpse skills. Love this new Unique because it creates a cool new build (like Unique should) but now it’s just so useless.

  5. BARB still seems OP to me. Nerf maybe? All I see is Barbs killing everything.

  6. Give back the PROFANE MINDCAGE cages. why remove them? You made helltides more fun and now you reverse some of those fun changes. Also, a lot of people want to make them stack.

  7. More BANEFULL HEARTS pls they are too hard to get.

  8. Fix for TEMPERING: make it so you can reroll each temper 4/5 times (+1 one for each greater affix) and not get 5 rerolls for both tempers. Another fix would be making sure you cannot reroll the same temper 2 times in a row. This way there is still the possibility to brick your items, but it does not happen that often.

  9. Pit bosses bugged cannot seem to kill them but after I die, they are normal again.

  10. Give me my temper recipes on PTR right away pls. I cannot even test my new builds because I don’t have the recipes. AND THE ONE I NEED DOESNT DROP FOR ME (does anyone else have this problem?).

  11. WHY is the PTR so buggy cannot even test the new season 5 stuff properly. It is a PTR I get it but still I cannot even gamble obols and that is not even a new feature!

  12. Better rewards from the new game mode. I like the idea of the new game mode don’t get me wrong, but it still needs a lot of work.

  13. Unique items still need some more buffs and crazy effects to make them useable and more special. I still do not use them in builds. Give them some HUGE buffs, give them 1 temper slot or something else. Love the new uber UI though.

  14. Making the altar reappear when killing the boss is one of the best changes, we need more quality-of-life features like this. Still waiting for a sell all button btw.

  15. Putting SORC in the title of this post made a lot of people read it btw. The buff sorc posts get more views. I do agree btw but its just funny to see.


Number 5 is rage inducing. becareful. hehe

Thats why i said maybe haha. I dont play enough barb to know.

I disagree. Barb needs to buffed even more than it had been buffed in PTR. 80x more across all barb builds. And sorc needs to be nerfed to the ground so that it actually does negative damage (since it does no damage currently): like each hit from a sorc restores life to the minions and bosses. This will be a nice pairing so that when barbs and sorcs play together in PIT, it will make it more challenging for barbs.


haha wait i need to go get some :popcorn:

Forgot the /s, cuz.